On May 10, 2011 Congressman Charles Boustany of Louisiana spoke about the current situation in Lebanon and how it is fairing in the Arab Spring, as Syria and the Arab world are being rocked by historic change.

Congressman Boustany was first elected to Congress in December 2004. He represents Louisiana's Seventh Congressional District. He is the co-chair of the U.S.-China Working Group and is active on foreign affairs issues related to the Midle East. Congressman Boustany is also a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and serves as the chair of the Subcommittee on Oversight.


  • Representative Charles Boustany, Speaker
    Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Louisiana's 7th District
  • Richard H. Solomon, Welcome and Introductions
    President, United States Institute of Peace
  • Mona Yacoubian, Moderator
    Senior Program Officer, Middle East and Director, Lebanon Working Group, United States Institute of Peace

This event was part of the United States Institute of Peace's Congressional Newsmaker Series, designed to educate the public about issues of war and peace with a special focus on international conflict prevention and resolution. 

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