A panel featuring Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak and Afghan Interior Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi discussed the challenges facing the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and the role the ANSF will play as security responsibilities transition from international to Afghan forces.

Read the event anlysis, The Key to Stability in Afghanistan

Over the past year, nearly 80,000 Afghans committed to serve their country by joining the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), representing an increase of more than 42 percent from the previous year. Despite this tremendous growth, many challenges lay ahead for the transfer of security from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to the ANSF, currently scheduled for 2014. Violence in on the rise, particularly in Helmand, Kandahar and Kunar provinces, and assassinations increased by 50 percent while suicide attacks doubled. The police and army's capacity to address these issues is hampered by rentention challenges, supply and logistical support issues, illiteracy and drug abuse.

Despite the ongoing violence and challenges, NATO has emphasized the importance of ensuring an Afghan-led transition process. Furthermore, officials are upbeat about the increasing numbers and capacity of Afghan police and soldiers. In order for the ANSF to effectively assume control for the country's security upon the departure of international troops, it is critical that the Karzai government and NATO's ISAF weaken or defeat the Taliban, build local government with popular support and put an end to the corruption that feeds disaffection.

Join USIP in welcoming Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardark and Afghan Interior Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi to discuss the role of the ANSF in this transition. Ministers Wardak and Mohammadi will discuss the challenges inherent within this process, the way forward for the ANSF and their insights looking ahead to 2014.


  • Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak
    Minister of Defense
    Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  • Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi
    Minister of Interior
    Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  • LTG David Barno, USA (Ret.)
    Senior Adviser and Senior Fellow
    Center for a New American Security
  • Ambassador William B. Taylor, moderator
    Senior Vice President, Center for Conflict Management
    United States Institute of Peace

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