Sustainable Economy
484. “Sustainable economy” is a term of art used in existing literature. For the purposes of this manual, this term is intended to broadly encompass the ability of the people to pursue opportunities for livelihoods within a system of economic governance bound by law.
485. United States Agency for International Development, Economic Governance in War Torn Economies: Lessons Learned from the Marshall Plan to the Reconstruction of Iraq, 2004. Hereafter: USAID, Economic Governance in War Torn Economies, 2004.
486. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
487. For the purpose of this manual, “predatory actors” broadly refer to any group or individual that engages in or directly benefits from illegal economic activity that promotes violence and/or undermines efforts for good governance and economic development. 3ese actors can exist inside or outside of government.
488. United States Agency for International Development, Guide to Economic Growth in Post-Conflict Countries, 2009. Hereafter: USAID, Guide to Economic Growth, 2009. Paul Collier, Post-Conflict Recovery: How Should Policies Be Distinctive? 2007. Hereafter: Collier, Post-Conflict Recovery, 2007.
489. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Economic Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Transitions: Lessons for the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003. Hereafter, OECD, Congo, 2003. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
490. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006. Jill Shankleman, Managing Natural Resource Wealth (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute of Peace, 2006). Hereafter: Shankleman, Managing Natural Resource Wealth, 2006.
491. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009. Jonathan Haughton,The Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies and Peace-Building Operations, 2002. Hereafter: Haughton, Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies, 2002.
492. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009. United States Agency for International Development, “Accelerating the Transition From Conflict to Sustainable Growth,” 2008. Hereafter: USAID, “Accelerating
the Transition,” 2008. Haughton, Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies, 2002.
493. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
494. OECD, “Congo,” 2003.
495. USAID, “Economic Governance in War Torn Economies,” 2004.
496. UNDP/USAID, “First Steps,” 2007. Haughton, “Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies,” 2002.
497. USAID, “Accelerating the Transition,” 2008.
498. Raymond Gilpin, “Toward Conflict-Sensitive Macroeconomic Growth: Unraveling Challenges for Practitioners,” presented at Building Capacity in Stability Operations: Security Sector Reform, Governance and Economics, United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute and Center for Naval Analysis, 2009. Hereafter: Gilpin, “Conflict-Sensitive Macroeconomic Growth,” 2009.
500. Gilpin, “Conflict-Sensitive Macroeconomic Growth,” 2009.
501. USAID, “Economic Governance in War Torn Economies,” 2004.
502. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
503. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
504. USAID, “Economic Governance in War Torn Economies,” 2004.
505. Ibid. Haughton, “3e Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies,” 2002.
506. UNDP/USAID, “First Steps,” 2007. International Peace Academy and Center for International Security and Cooperation, Economic Priorities for Peace Implementation, 2002. Hereafter: IPA, Economic Priorities, 2002.
507. Haughton, “Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies,” 2002. IPA, “Economic Priorities,” 2002. Paul Collier, “Introduction,” in Demobilization and Insecurity—A Study in the Economics of the Transition from War to Peace, 1994.
508. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
509. Haughton, “Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies,” 2002.
510. USAID, “Economic Governance in War Torn Economies,” 2004.
511. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
512. Haughton, “Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies,” 2002.
513. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
514. Ibid.
515. Gilpin, “Conflict-Sensitive Macroeconomic Growth,” 2009.
516. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
517. United Nations University, Strategy for Rebuilding Fiscal Institutions, 2007.
518. International Monetary Fund, Rebuilding Fiscal Institutions in Post-Conflict Countries, 2004. Hereafter: IMF, “Fiscal Institutions,” 2004.
519. Collier, “Post-Conflict Recovery,” 2007.
520. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
521. Raymond Gilpin, “Debt Relief in Fragile States,” presented at Debt Relief and Beyond: A World Bank
Conference on Debt and Development, The World Bank, April/May 2009.
522. IMF, “Fiscal Institutions,” 2004.
523. Ghani/Lockhart, Fixing Failed States, 2008.
524. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
525. World Bank, “Contracting and Procurement Guidelines,” 2004.,,contentMDK:20094613~menuPK:220448~pagePK:220503~piPK:220476~t
heSitePK:228717,00.html, accessed June 22, 2009.
526. Ghani/Lockhart, Fixing Failed States, 2008. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
527. Ghani/Lockhart, Fixing Failed States, 2008.
528. Covey/Dziedzic/Hawley, Quest for Viable Peace, 2005.
529. OECD, “Congo,” 2003.
530. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
531. Johanna Mendelson Forman and Merriam Mashatt, Employment Generation and Economic Development in Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute of Peace, 2007). Hereafter: Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, Employment Generation, 2007.
532. USAID, “Accelerating the Transition,” 2008.
533. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
534. Michael Bhatia and Jonathan Goodhand, Profit and Poverty: Aid, Livelihoods and Conflict in Afghanistan (London: Overseas Development Institute Humanitarian Policy Group, 2003).
535. USAID, “Accelerating the Transition,” 2008.
536. Karen Ballentine and Heiko Nitzschke, “3e Political Economy of Civil War and Conflict Transformation,” in Transforming War Economies: Dilemmas and Challenges, No. 3 in Dialogue Series (Berlin, Germany: Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management, 2006). Hereafter: Ballentine/Nitzschke, “Political Economy,” 2006.
537. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
538. Ballentine/Nitzschke, “Political Economy,” 2006.
539. USAID, “Economic Governance in War Torn Economies,” 2004. Covey/Dziedzic/Hawley, Quest for a Viable Peace, 2005.
540. Gilpin, “Conflict-Sensitive Macroeconomic Growth,” 2009.
541. Ibid.
542. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
543. Hernando DeSoto, The Other Path: !e Invisible Revolution in the Third World (New York: Harper & Row,
544. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,” 2007.
545. Gilpin, “Conflict-Sensitive Macroeconomic Growth,” 2009.
546. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,” 2007.
547. Covey/Dziedzic/Hawley, Quest for a Viable Peace, 2005.
548. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
549. USAID, “Accelerating the Transition,” 2008.
550. United Nations Environment Programme, From Conflict to Peacebuilding: The Role of Natural Resources and the Environment, 2009. Hereafter: UNEP, Role of Natural Resources, 2009.
551. Some available resources include U.S. government agencies like the Energy Information Administration, U.S. Geological Service, USAID, and the State Department, as well as the World Bank and IMF; UN agencies such as UNDP; NGOs active in natural resource wealth management such as Global Witness, Human Rights Watch; resource companies; and country specialists and experts such as the U.S. National Defense University’s Africa Center for Strategic Studies.
552. Shankleman, “Managing Natural Resource Wealth,” 2006.
553. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
554. Shankleman, “Managing Natural Resource Wealth,” 2006.
555. Ballentine/Nitzschke, “Political Economy,” 2006.
556. Shankleman, “Managing Natural Resource Wealth,” 2006.
557. Ballentine/Nitzschke, “Political Economy,” 2006.
558. Shankleman, “Managing Natural Resource Wealth,” 2006. United Nations Expert Group, National Resources and Conflict in Africa: Transforming a Peace Liability into a Peace Asset, 2006.
559. UNEP, “Role of Natural Resources,” 2009.
560. Ibid.
561. U.S. Army, FM 3-07, 2008.
562. United Nations Secretary-General, Note to the General Assembly, A/C.5/59/31, 2005.
563. UN DDR, Integrated DDR, 2006.
564. USAID, “Accelerating the Transition,” 2008.
565. UN DDR, “Integrated DDR,” 2006.
566. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,” 2007.
567. European Union, Concept for DDR, 2006.
568. UN DDR, “Integrated DDR,” 2006.
569. United States Agency for International Development, Market Development in Crisis-Affected Environments: Emerging Lessons for Achieving Pro-Poor Economic Reconstruction, 2007. Hereafter: USAID, “Market Development,” 2007.
570. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
571. Infrastructure often includes social infrastructure, which refers to public institutions, schools, health facilities, post offices, and libraries. Some of these institutions are addressed in Section 10, Social Well-Being.
572. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
573. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
574. Collier, “Post-Conflict Recovery,” 2007.
575. Antonio Carvalho and Samia Melhem, Attracting Investment in Post-Conflict Countries: The Importance of Telecommunications, (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2005).
576. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
577. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
578. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
579. United Nations Development Program, The Role of Private Sector Development in Post-Conflict Economic Recovery, 2007. Hereafter: UNDP, “Private Sector Development,” 2007.
580. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009. OECD, “Congo,” 2003.
581. UNDP, “Private Sector Development,” 2007.
582. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,” 2007.
583. International Labor Organization and United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, Micro-finance in Post-Conflict Situations: Towards Guiding Principles for Action, 1999. Hereafter: ILO/UNHCR, Microfinance, 1999.
584. Kathleen Kuehnast, “Innovative Approaches to Microfinance in Post-Conflict Situations: Bosnia Local
Initiatives Project,” 2001.
585. ILO/UNHCR, “Micro-finance,” 1999.
586. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,”
587. UNDP, “Private Sector Development,” 2007.
588. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
589. USAID, “Accelerating the Transition,” 2008.
590. Coffee Rwanda, “Coffee Rwanda,”, accessed June 22, 2009.
591. Carter Dougherty, “Rwanda Savors the Rewards of Coffee,” The New York Times, 2004.
592. See human capital entry in Deardorff ’s Glossary of International Economics,, accessed June 22, 2009.
593. Johanna Mendelson Forman, “Achieving Socioeconomic Well-Being in Postconflict Settings,” The Washington Quarterly, Autumn 2002. Hereafter: Mendelson Forman, “Achieving Socioeconomic Well-Being,” 2002.
594. International Labour Organisation, Local Economic Development: Operational Guidelines, 1997. Hereafter: ILO, Local Economic Development, 1997.
595. Ibid.
596. USAID, “Economic Governance in War Torn Economies,” 2004.
597. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.
598. Haughton, “Reconstruction of War-Torn Economies,” 2002.
599. UNDP/USAID, “First Steps,” 2007.
Recover,” 2008. Hereafter: UK Stabilisation Unit, “Helping Countries Recover,” 2008. USAID, “Guide to
Economic Growth,” 2009.
601. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,” 2007.
602. Mendelson Forman, “Achieving Socioeconomic Well-Being,” 2002. Robert Perito, The U.S. Experience with Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan: Lessons Identified (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute of Peace, 2005).
603. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,” 2007.
604. IPA, “Economic Priorities,” 2002. USAID, “Economic Governance in War Torn Economies,” 2004.
605. JICA, “Handbook for Transition Assistance,” 2006.
606. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,”
607. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
608. Ibid.
609. WB, “Rebuilding the Civil Service,” 2002.
610. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
611. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009. IPA, “Economic Priorities,” 2002. UNDP/USAID, “First
Steps,” 2007.
612. Mendelson Forman/Mashatt, “Employment Generation,” 2007.
613. ILO, “Local Economic Development,” 1997.
614. OECD, “Congo,” 2003.
615. IPA, “Economic Priorities,” 2002.
616. UNDP/USAID, “First Steps,” 2007.
617. Scott Feil, “Building Better Foundations: Security in Post-Conflict Reconstruction,” The Washington Quarterly, Autumn 2002.
618. IPA, “Economic Priorities,” 2002.
619. Dobbins/Jones/Crane/Cole DeGrasse, Beginner’s Guide, 2007.
620. USAID, “Guide to Economic Growth,” 2009.