Since early in 2005, the Professional Training Program has focused its efforts on supporting the Iraq Institute of Economic Reform (IIER) in its goal of establishing an Iraqi-managed SENSE capability.
Since early in 2005, the Professional Training Program has focused its efforts on supporting the Iraq Institute of Economic Reform (IIER) in its goal of establishing an Iraqi-managed SENSE capability. SENSE simulates the resource allocation challenges confronting national and international decision-makers in post-conflict settings. Intermittent Program Officer Allison Frendak and SENSE Tutor-coach Ann Driscoll mentored IIER staff in Dokhan, Iraq conducting SENSE sessions for participants primarily from Iraq´s NGO and academic communities. At the end of the session, all participants involved in the simulation, agreed that IIER staff delivered a top-quality SENSE training experience.
USIP has provided a range of support to the Iraq Institute of Economic Reform (IIER), which has since demonstrated the ability to conduct the SENSE simulation on its own. A partnership between IIER and the Iraqi Community Development Institution (ICDI) is intended to provide a broader training experience and smoother administrative support for SENSE events.