USIP’s Shahmahmood Miakhel, who heads the Institute’s office in Kabul, discusses the state of play in Afghanistan as the U.S. debates its strategy in Afghanistan.

June 22, 2011

USIP’s Shahmahmood Miakhel, who heads the Institute’s office in Kabul, discusses the state of play in Afghanistan as the U.S. debates its strategy in Afghanistan.

As the U.S. is preparing to draw down its military presence in Afghanistan this summer, what is USIP doing to help secure peace in the country?

Ensuring good governance - stability in which civil society accepts the Afghan government as legitimate and trusts its institutions to provide adequate security and justice and rule of law has been the missing piece of all the various U.S. strategies in Afghanistan over the past 10 years. With this in mind, USIP works with Afghan civil society, Afghan government departments, relevant U.S. government bodies, and international organizations to build better governance and rule of law in the country to prepare for the U.S.’s eventual departure.

USIP has been working to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan since 2002 through projects that strengthen governance and the rule of law by improving Afghans' access to justice, increasing their understanding of the post-Taliban Constitution, and providing conflict resolution training at the Provincial and District levels.

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How does the work USIP is doing on the ground in Afghanistan differ from the work being done by USAID and other aid agencies?

USIP’s unique position as a congressionally funded, yet independent institution is a particular strength in a politically charged environment like Afghanistan. Its support by the U.S. Congress, and its governance by a bipartisan board with a charter that allows it to remain independent, has allowed the Institute to make contributions to U.S., Afghan and international policymakers, and have access to various actors on the ground. The reputation USIP has earned from developing its presence in Kabul and its relationship with Afghan partners is seen as a core organizational strength.

For instance, its in-country presence has enabled USIP to keep an ear to the ground in a country of complex dynamics that are often misread and misconstrued. USIP’s field experience and network of partners have allowed it to remain connected to the needs of Afghan communities and individuals often overlooked by elite policy circles. It has also helped the Institute remain committed to building local capacity to prepare Afghanistan to maintain security and stability after international forces leave.

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What impact has USIP had in Afghanistan?

Even though USIP is a small actor in term of its budget and organizational size in comparison to U.S. government entities working in Afghanistan, USIP has been highly effective in promoting rule of law in Afghanistan. With USIP advice, the U.S. military and Embassy have tailored their rule-of-law aid programs to support the ability of local shuras and jirgas to help resolve disputes, thereby depriving the Taliban of political kindling and fuel for violence and lawlessness.

USIP’s Rule of Law program is operational in more than a dozen districts and involving eight provinces. The program collects data and has brought together the formal and informal justice sector to improve access to justice. USIP is also working with Afghan government and educational institutions to resolve disputes over constitutional interpretation that have impeded the rule of law.

With support from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, USIP established Dispute Resolution Councils (DRCs) starting in March 2010 in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces. The DRCs consist of influential and respected community elders who represent the main groups in their respective provinces. To date, the DRCs have participated in and recorded the resolution of more than 120 cases. These cases have ranged from land disputes to criminal matters. Through their local political legitimacy, DRC members have been able to increase buy-in from local government officials and community members to the informal justice sector. A key impact of the program has been its resolution of disputes between ISAF and local communities, with the respected position of DRC members both with communities and international officials creating a key channel of communication between the two groups.

The value of USIP’s field work in helping to secure military gains over the longer run was cited in 2009 by the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus: “In Afghanistan, USIP’s work on the informal justice system has been invaluable as we work toward improving the rule of law at the provincial level.”

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How does this contribute to the U.S.’s overall objective in Afghanistan?

The U.S. has had a presence in Afghanistan for 10 years and has spent billions of dollars. It is critical that as the U.S. transitions out of Afghanistan the country will become secure and less vulnerable to terrorism. As part of the U.S. engagement in Afghanistan, USIP will play a key role in peacebuilding efforts in Afghanistan through promoting good governance, democratic processes, and rule of law. USIP’s work is focused on ensuring that institutions and policies in place during the U.S. – Afghan transition are sustainable and cost effective and work to build up local capacity.

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