The findings of the Working Group on Lessons Learned and Best Practices on Women's Programming in Transitioning Countries have yielded several publications and two Expert Dialogues bringing together women from transitioning countries. 

Common Strategies for Womenin Transition Countries


Common Strategies for Women in Transition Countries | September 2013
By: Steven E. Steiner

An expert dialogue on women in transition countries brought together 14 women leaders from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Tunisia to work together and identify issues specific to each country and determine common problems. USIP’s Steven Steiner summarizes their recommendations on how to overcome the challenges.


Expert Dialogue on Women and Peacebuilding Part II: Women Leaders and Best Practices | December 2012

On December 7-9, 2012, USIP’s Center for Gender and Peacebuilding brought together a group of Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan and Tunisian women leaders for the “Expert Dialogue on Women and Peacebuilding Part II: Best Practices and Women Leaders,” to build on the findings from the June 2012 Dialogue, and to identify common cross-national challenges and opportunities.

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Peacebuilding Efforts of Women from Afghanistan and Iraq: Lessons in Transition | Special Report | November 2012
By: Kathleen Kuehnast, Manal Omar, Steven E. Steiner, and Hodei Sultan

Afghan and Iraqi women leaders met earlier this year to discuss how women in North African transition countries can play a role in reshaping their societies. Based on their own experiences with transition, these leaders offered advice on what to do and what pitfalls to avoid.


Expert Dialogue on Women and Peacebuilding | June 2012
Afghan and Iraqi women leaders met in Istanbul to map out practical steps forward for women in their own transitional countries. This first-of-its-kind dialogue is breaking down mutual stereotypes between Afghan and Iraqi women. Together both groups of women leaders express their concerns about the negative trends for women in North Africa, and want to offer their lessons learned from years of conflict and transition.



Lessons from Women's Programs in Afghanistan and Iraq | Special Report | March 2012
By: Kathleen Kuehnast, Manal Omar, Steven E. Steiner, and Hodei Sultan

Despite years of efforts aimed at expanding women’s rights and opportunities in Iraq and Afghanistan, women in those countries face major obstacles in consolidating these gains. Recognizing that women’s empowerment contributes significantly to stability, USIP convened experts to assess what has been learned in developing women’s programs in Afghanistan and Iraq and to establish best practices for future programs in conflict zones.

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Expanding the Scope of U.S.-Vietnam Reconciliation

Thursday, July 18, 2024

In September 2023, Vietnam and the United States upgraded their relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership — a historic development that has the analysts and high-level officials from both sides now pondering what’s next. A part of the answer might be an expansion of Vietnam-U.S. postwar reconciliation.

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Ugandans Wield Faith and Youth Against Climate-Fueled Violence

Thursday, July 18, 2024

At age five, Muhsin Kaduyu began following his father, a respected imam in southern Uganda, on missions of peace — constant meetings, mediations, consolations and prayers among Muslims and Christians in their town and surrounding farmlands. So years later, Kaduyu felt sickened when Islamist suicide bombers killed 74 soccer fans in a crowd near his university, deforming and defaming his faith. That bombing, and an anti-Muslim backlash, ignited a life’s mission that has made Kaduyu a prominent peacebuilder among millions of Ugandans who struggle for survival, prosperity and peace amid communal conflicts, violent extremism and growing climate disaster.

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Meeting the Moment: The Role of the Diaspora in Haiti’s Future

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In early July, Haitian Prime Minister Gary Conille made his first version to Washington, where he sought to mobilize the Haitian diaspora to be more active in restoring Haiti’s governance, security and development, as he pushed back against the “Haiti fatigue” that afflicts official Washington. Haiti’s diaspora is an important asset to multinational efforts to address the crises the country faces today and could be a critical factor in building a sustainable and prosperous future.

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Cartographie du chemin de la justice en Haïti : Leçons de la Colombie et du Guatemala

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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