Young people are actively engaged in peacebuilding efforts, from small community service acts to innovative solutions for local issues. This online course on Strategic Design and Implementation for young peacebuilders not only equips them with tools for project design but also encourages self-reflection and strategic thinking. By emphasizing community-centered approaches and considering the challenges faced by youth-led organizations, this course aims to provide tools to young leaders to design effective peacebuilding projects. Those enrolled can earn a certification of participation upon completing the course.

Learning Objectives

  • Differentiate between Project Management and Strategic Implementation. 
  • Distinguish between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset and apply these concepts to one’s own experience.
  • Critically assess the youth-led organizational operation model and make difficult decisions to break out of the project-grant cycle trap. 
  • Apply observation skills and do no harm principles to design a peacebuilding community-centered project.
  • Create a project plan with a coherent theory of change, describing the overarching goal of the project, as well as objectives, outcomes/outputs, activities based on the community´s needs and M&E plan.

Instructor-led Delivery

USIP’s new instructor-led format blends a self-paced curriculum with weekly live, interactive webinars. Enrolled participants will join a group of fellow learners from around the world. Each week will feature a new lesson that includes a real-world case study, a skills-building exercise, and small group discussions. A new course is offered each month and is four weeks in duration. The course is open to the public and is free of charge. Certificates of participation are awarded at the conclusion of the course.


  • Weekly Self-Paced Curriculum: Learn at your own pace and schedule through carefully curated self-guided curriculum and instructional videos.
  • Weekly Live Webinars: Every week, a USIP expert or guest lecturer will host a country case study, a facilitated exercise, and small group discussions.
  • Group-Based: Join and learn alongside other participants from around the world. 
  • Practical Case Studies: Develop skills through real-world exercises and small group discussions.
  • Certificates: Receive a certificate of participation at the conclusion of a course.

Weekly Webinar Schedule

Join USIP’s Youth, Peace, and Security program and guests for four weeks of live instructor-led webinars covering the following topics:

June 7, 2024: Youth-led Organizational Readiness to Design Strategic Peacebuilding Projects, 9:00am – 10:15am EDT

June 14, 2024: Positionality & Reflecting Tool, 9:00am – 10:15am EDT

June 21, 2024: Understanding the Problem - Adaptive Leadership (Co-facilitated with NYU Professor, Marc Ross Manashil), 9:00am – 10:15am EDT

June 28, 2024: Project Design, 9:00am – 10:15am EDT