Strategies to prevent, manage or resolve violent conflict can succeed only if they are grounded in clear analysis of the causes and potential trajectory of a conflict. Through research, training and analytical techniques, the U.S. Institute of Peace empowers practitioners and local communities with means to more effectively avert violent conflict.

Featured   Publications

Out of the Spotlight, Myanmar’s Rohingya Face Worst Violence in 7 Years

Out of the Spotlight, Myanmar’s Rohingya Face Worst Violence in 7 Years

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Since early 2024, fighting in northern Rakhine state has led to the worst attacks on the Rohingya population since 2017, when Myanmar’s military drove more than 750,000 across the border into Bangladesh. The new attacks are a stark reminder of the Rohingyas’ vulnerability. The world has known about their plight for decades, and in 2024, only 636,000 Rohingya — or 23 percent of the 2.8 million Rohingya around the world — still live in their homeland, Myanmar.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal PolicyHuman Rights

Whither Cease-fire Talks After Hamas Kills 6 Israeli Hostages?

Whither Cease-fire Talks After Hamas Kills 6 Israeli Hostages?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Israeli soldiers’ discovery of six of their country’s hostages shot dead in a tunnel underneath Rafah, Gaza has placed the question of a cease-fire’s prospects in stark relief. Coming as the U.S. had already stepped up efforts to push for an Israel-Hamas agreement, the grim fate of the hostages can simultaneously be viewed as providing a catalyst for the urgent conclusion of a deal, or as a harbinger of diplomatic derailment for a process the U.S., Egypt and Qatar had been in the throes of pushing to resolution.

Type: Question and Answer

Conflict Analysis & PreventionPeace Processes

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Current  Projects

Tracking China’s Global Security Initiative

Tracking China’s Global Security Initiative

China’s ongoing push to change the international security order entered a new phase with the launch of the Global Security Initiative (GSI) in April 2022. The GSI promotes a set of distinct security concepts and principles — many of which reflect Beijing’s longstanding international normative preferences, such an emphasis on territorial sovereignty and noninterference. USIP is tracking how the GSI is being operationalized by China, with an initial focus on essay series examining China’s GSI activities in ASEAN and Central Asia.

Conflict Analysis & PreventionJustice, Security & Rule of LawGlobal Policy

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