Georges Fauriol is a senior advisor with the Latin America program at USIP.

He is also a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS); a fellow with the Caribbean Policy Consortium; and a Think Tank Haiti Steering Group member as part of a partnership of Université Quisqueya in Haiti and the Inter-American Dialogue. He previously taught in Georgetown University’s democracy and governance graduate program.

Fauriol retired in 2020 as vice president for grants, operations and evaluation at the National Endowment for Democracy. He also served as vice president of strategic planning and as senior vice president at the International Republican Institute. Prior to that, Fauriol held a number of positions at CSIS, notably as director and senior fellow of the Americas program and as the assistant to the chairman of CSIS’s Board of Trustees. Fauriol also worked at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia.

He has extensive cross-regional democracy assistance experience, including missions in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America. He is widely published and has testified several times before U.S. congressional committees.

He holds a doctorate in international relations from the University of Pennsylvania.

Publications By Georges

Meeting the Moment: The Role of the Diaspora in Haiti’s Future

Meeting the Moment: The Role of the Diaspora in Haiti’s Future

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

In early July, Haitian Prime Minister Gary Conille made his first version to Washington, where he sought to mobilize the Haitian diaspora to be more active in restoring Haiti’s governance, security and development, as he pushed back against the “Haiti fatigue” that afflicts official Washington. Haiti’s diaspora is an important asset to multinational efforts to address the crises the country faces today and could be a critical factor in building a sustainable and prosperous future.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Ce dont Haïti a besoin de la part des États-Unis et de la communauté internationale

Ce dont Haïti a besoin de la part des États-Unis et de la communauté internationale

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Malgré les distractions évidentes provenant des crises dans d'autres coins du monde, le désastre qui s'aggrave en Haïti attire tardivement une attention internationale plus large. Les critiques de la politique américaine envers Haïti émergent de tous les coins du spectre politique, et il y a beaucoup à critiquer, notamment si l'on étend la période à l'expérience politique d'Haïti depuis la fin des dictatures Duvalier dans les années 1980. Mais ici et maintenant, ces évaluations minimisent les chances déjà minces des efforts de médiation gérés par la Communauté des Caraïbes (CARICOM), à partir desquels a émergé le Conseil présidentiel d'Haïti, une structure de gouvernance transitoire pour le pays.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Policy

What Haiti Needs from the U.S. and International Community

What Haiti Needs from the U.S. and International Community

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Despite obvious distractions from crises in other corners of the world, Haiti’s deepening disaster is belatedly drawing wider international attention. Critics of U.S. policy toward Haiti are emerging from all corners of the political spectrum — and there is much to be critical of, particularly if the timeframe is stretched to cover Haiti's political experience since the late 1980s and the transition from the Duvalier dictatorships. But in the here and now, these assessments short charge the admittedly tough odds of the most recent Caribbean Community- (CARICOM) managed mediation efforts from which has emerged Haiti’s Presidential Council, a transitional governance structure for the country.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Policy

Wanted: A Reset of Haiti Policy

Wanted: A Reset of Haiti Policy

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Haiti’s governance vacuum triggered by President Jovenel Moïse’s assassination in July 2021 shows few encouraging signs. Violence, notably around Port-au-Prince, has not only grown in lethality, but politically has become the central issue shaping domestic and international discussions. The imminent expiration of acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s term in office on February 7 means Haiti’s political crisis is on course to become more intransigent.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Policy

Comment sortir de l'impasse en Haïti

Comment sortir de l'impasse en Haïti

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Après la série de crises liées à Haïti l'année dernière - un assassinat présidentiel, un tremblement de terre, une urgence migratoire a la frontière entre Mexique et des États-Unis et une consolidation dramatique de la violence des gangs - les décideurs internationaux ont été confrontés à la possibilité qu'Haïti se trouve dans les premières étapes d'une crise humanitaire à grande échelle. La nouvelle détérioration de la politique haïtienne au cours des premiers mois de 2022 n'a fait que confirmer que le pays a franchi cette sombre étape.

Type: Analysis

Fragility & ResilienceMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

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