These are web links to free online journals on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, conflict resolution, and related topics which are produced by sources not associated with the U. S. Institute of Peace. The intent of this page is to provide links to academic and policy journals which publish research and analysis of theoretical and practical issues in the field, rather than to newsletters or peace advocacy publications.

These are web links to free online journals on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, conflict resolution, and related topics which are produced by sources not associated with the U. S. Institute of Peace. The intent of this page is to provide links to academic and policy journals which publish research and analysis of theoretical and practical issues in the field, rather than to newsletters or peace advocacy publications. This listing should not be considered exhaustive, and neither the journals nor their contents should be considered to reflect the views of the U.S. Institute of Peace.

Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives

Accord (ISSN 1365-0742) is published online and in print form by Conciliation Resources, a London-based organization which attempts to provide assistance to individuals and groups working to prevent or resolve political violence and conflict situations. Accord provides description and analysis of specific conflict and peace processes, as well as chronologies, profiles of key actors, important texts and agreements, maps, and suggestions for further reading. Most issues focus on a single conflict and peace process, such as those in Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, and Guatemala. All issues are available without charge, online in HTML, with the earliest having been published in 1996; print subscriptions are also available

Journal of Humanitarian Assistance

The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (ISSN 1360-0222) is published online by the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford in Britain, and is updated continuously rather than published periodically. The Journal seeks to facilitate communication among those involved in humanitarian assistance, and is concerned with all aspects of humanitarian assistance, from early warning and emergency provision of assistance to post-conflict peace-building and the transition to development. Many articles address specific cases, but others deal with global and more theoretical topics. The earliest articles were published in 1995. The Journal also publishes book reviews, an electronic book on the future of Africa's Great Lakes region, and has various other materials available online. Most articles are in HTML, but some are PDF files 

Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict

Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict (ISSN 1095-1962) is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal of the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies published every two years with a focus on war, peace, and global cooperation; two issues are available online. A print version is available by subscription. Articles in the Journal have discussed topics such as peace education, peace efforts of the 20th century, the role of the military in Turkey, and the International Criminal Court and genocide in Cambodia. The Journal also publishes book reviews. Articles are in HTML.

The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution

The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution (ISSN 1522-211X) is published online only, by the Tabula Rasa Institute, a nonprofit organization promoting peace and conflict reduction. The Journal has been published since 1998, with each issue being published separately; all are available free online. Recent article topics have included peace education, the role of NGOs in ethnic conflict resolution, conflict management in Somalia, and truth and reconciliation commissions. The Journal also publishes some book reviews and short descriptions of other recent publications. Issues published since May 1999 are searchable. All articles are in HTML, and recent ones are also available in PDF.

Peace and Conflict Studies

Peace and Conflict Studies (ISSN 1082-7307) is published twice annually by the Network of Peace and Conflict Studies, with its online publication sponsored by George Mason University of Fairfax, Virginia. The journal publishes academic research on conflict analysis and resolution, peace building, humanitarian intervention, peacekeeping and related topics. The print version is available by subscription. Each issue of the online journal is published separately, but all are available free online; the first issue was published in 1994. Recent articles have been on topics such as the role of faith in intercultural conflict resolution, military intervention, humanitarian emergencies and conflict resolution, identity boundaries and conflict, truth and reconciliation commissions, and the Middle East peace process. Articles are in HTML

Peace, Conflict and Development

Peace, Conflict and Development is a new refereed online journal which is published three times each year by the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford in Britain. The journal focuses on contemporary issues in peace, conflict and development from an interdisciplinary perspective, and consists primarily of academic papers and field reports, plus book reviews. Typical recent article topics have included protracted intrastate conflict, democratic consolidation, peacekeeping, human rights in Botswana, democracy, and governance and conflict in Burundi. Back issues are available online, with the first issue having been published in 2002. Articles are in PDF. 

Updated: March 10 2003

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The Red Sea Crisis Goes Beyond the Houthis

The Red Sea Crisis Goes Beyond the Houthis

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Red Sea is in crisis. At the center of the storm are Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who have unleashed a wave of attacks on ships traversing one of the world’s most pivotal maritime straits, putatively in support of Hamas’s war against Israel. The Houthi gambit in the Red Sea is imposing serious costs on global trade, as did the problem of Somali piracy, which reached its peak in 2010. The United States and some of its allies have stepped in to militarily suppress the threat, bombing Houthi positions inside Yemen. But although this episode is illustrative of the difficulties of Red Sea security, the crisis extends far beyond the trouble emanating from Yemen.

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Saisir l'Instant : Le Rôle de la Diaspora dans l'Avenir d'Haïti

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

En début juillet, le Premier ministre haïtien Gary Conille a effectué sa première visite à Washington, où il a cherché à mobiliser la diaspora haïtienne pour qu'elle soit plus active dans la restauration de la gouvernance, de la sécurité et du développement d'Haïti, tout en s'opposant à la « fatigue d'Haïti » qui affecte les autorités officielles de Washington. La diaspora haïtienne est un atout important pour les efforts multinationaux visant à résoudre les crises auxquelles le pays est confronté aujourd'hui et pourrait être un facteur déterminant dans la construction d'un avenir durable et prospère.

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Ugandans Wield Faith and Youth Against Climate-Fueled Violence

Ugandans Wield Faith and Youth Against Climate-Fueled Violence

Thursday, July 18, 2024

At age five, Muhsin Kaduyu began following his father, a respected imam in southern Uganda, on missions of peace — constant meetings, mediations, consolations and prayers among Muslims and Christians in their town and surrounding farmlands. So years later, Kaduyu felt sickened when Islamist suicide bombers killed 74 soccer fans in a crowd near his university, deforming and defaming his faith. That bombing, and an anti-Muslim backlash, ignited a life’s mission that has made Kaduyu a prominent peacebuilder among millions of Ugandans who struggle for survival, prosperity and peace amid communal conflicts, violent extremism and growing climate disaster.

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