Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on funding of democratic initiatives in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the transition to democracy in Serbia. For additional information on the region, please see related links at Regional Resources: Europe.

These links complement these USIP Special Reports:

  1. "Yugoslavia:" Building Democratic Institutions
  2. Whither the Bulldozer?: Nonviolent Revolution and the Transition to Democracy in Serbia
  3. Taking Stock and Looking Forward: Intervention in the Balkans and Beyond
  4. Serbia Still at the Crossroads

These web links also support the activities of the Institute's Balkans Initiative.

General Resources

The sites below collect links to other Internet resources which describe the background, history, and politics of Yugoslavia.

Democracy Funding: Recipients

  • Association for Independent Electronic Media
    Funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, information about the organization is accessed through the Free B92 web site. It contains links to the ANEM Radio Network and the ANEM TV Network.
  • Internews
    The web site contains a description of the organization, news, activities, regional projects, including Southeast Europe, reports, programs and links to related sites including Internews Southeast Europe. "Internews work in Serbia/Montenegro/Kosovo is supported by USAID through a sub-grant from IREX's ProMedia program."
  • STAR Project of Delphi International
    "Under a three year Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Agency for International Development, the STAR Project builds partnerships with non-nationalistic women's organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Macedonia." This web page is a newsletter for the project.

Democracy Funding: Sources

Maps and Guides

  • CIA Factbook: Serbia and Montenegro
    Basic facts on Serbia and Montenegro prepared by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Political Map of Serbia
    Maps detailing political, ethnic, economic, etc. terrain in Serbia, prepared by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Part of the larger Balkans Regional Atlas, which also covers Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
  • Serbia Maps
    Maps from the Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection of the University of Texas at Austin. These maps were produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Mapping Agency.

Media and News Sources

Nongovernmental Organizations and Other Political Resources

Selected Documents and Biographical Information

Updated: June 18 2002

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