Praise for "Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World"

Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World captures the variety of security challenges and the diversity of conflict management practice across the regions. Featuring regional voices, this timely and innovative volume will help students and practitioners grasp the global conversations taking place on conflict and security issues. The editors are surely correct to conclude that we live in an age where security is divisible but collective action is more necessary than ever.”
Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, founder and chairman of the board of Crisis Management Initiative.

“The seasoned team of Crocker, Hampson, and Aall once again train their laser beam on a subject of pressing actuality. They have gathered a high-powered array of regional and other experts to show that not only is the global machinery creaking for managing conflicts and crises created in and for another era. But that the world is poorly, or at best disparately equipped, at the regional level, to handle threats old and new. Despite this disheartening diagnosis at a time of resurgence of armed conflict and violence, the editors see grounds for hope in the emerging trend toward “collective conflict management,” surely no peacemaker’s dream. Rewiring is an urgent call to attention.”
Alvaro de Soto, former UN Under Secretary-General and Senior Fellow, Ralph Bunche Institute, Associate Fellow, Geneva Centre for Security Policy

“A world war is unlikely. That’s the good news. The bad news is that regional conflicts are not disappearing. Indeed some are getting worse. Hence, they deserve greater study. This volume captures well both the challenges and opportunities of regional conflict management. The globally diverse voices in this book give it a special edge. Chester Crocker and his team have done the world a great service with this valuable resource.”
Kishore Mahbubani, Dean, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, author of The New Asian Hemisphere: the Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East.

“The book includes a broad and sweeping review of regions, their security problems, and organizations to deal with them by a series of knowledgeable and recognized experts. The editors have provided an enlightening and groundbreaking overview of both the state of the regional role in security around the globe and how regional security approaches might be made more effective in collective conflict management. A must read for anyone interested in this major topic of growing importance.”
Thomas R. Pickering, former Under Secretary of State for political affairs and Ambassador to the United Nations


The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s).