
Decolonisation process beyond colonial wigs - The Herald

Friday, September 29, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

ON Sunday September 17, 2017 exactly four days before President Mugabe addressed the 72nd United Nations General Assembly and to the delight of the African world, put US-EU imperialism on notice once again that African Revolutionary statesmanship is alive and well in Zimbabwe, our suffering and scattered masses had a chance to peruse the latest article by the Washington Post African Bureau Chief Mr Kevin Sieff titled “Why Are The Continent’s Most Prominent Legal Minds Wearing The Trappings of the Colonisers”?

US advocates for dialogue in resolving Nigeria’s conflicts - NAIJ

Friday, September 29, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

The United States has called on the President Muhammadu Buhari administration to explore the option of dialogue when resolving internal crisis in Nigeria. The advice was given on Thursday, September 28, in Washington DC when the US institute of peace (USIP) convened a conference titled - Peace in Nigeria: How to build it, and America’s role.

USIP Speaks To American Communities On Building Peace - World Affairs Council

Friday, September 29, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

This fall, local World Affairs Councils will host USIP experts for a series of activities in Tennessee, Florida and Missouri. In the inaugural event, USIP President Nancy Lindborg will join the Tennessee World Affairs Council in Nashville for a public, town hall-style forum at Belmont University, as well as other discussions at the Nashville Rotary Club and at local high schools.

After tough Trump speech, Pakistan scrambles to answer U.S. demands in Afghanistan

News Type: USIP in the News

“I’ve almost felt a sense of relief among Pakistani officials, that they’ve been in a bad marriage for too long, and they were never going to ask for a divorce, but now the other side has said, ‘I’m going to leave you,’ so you don’t look bad in front of the kids,” said Moeed Yusuf, an expert on U.S.-Pakistan relations at the United States Institute of Peace.

Sarhang Hamasaeed on the Kurdish Referendum - SiriusXM POTUS

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Sarhang Hamasaeed spoke to SiriusXM POTUS Ch. 124 about the results of the non-binding Kurdistan independence referendum. Hamasaeed explained the internal and international consequences of the referendum having taken place in addition to the need to prevent an escalation of tensions that could lead to violence with Shia militias, the Iraqi Army and Kurdish Peshmerga forces being in proximity to one another. He also addressed the role the international community including the United States can take to facilitate and mediate between Iraq’s federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue