
Meeting the Dalai Lama: My Reflection - Voices of Youth

Thursday, May 4, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Last year, from 30th April to 6th May, 2016; I had the privilege of participating in the US Institute of Peace (USIP) Youth Leaders Exchange with the Dalai Lama in New Delhi and Dharamsala, India (along with 27 other youth leaders from India, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, South Sudan and Myanmar). The program aims to strengthen the capacity of youth leaders working to build peace in the world’s most violent countries.

William B. Taylor on Afghanistan and Iraq - SiriusXM POTUS

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

William B. Taylor spoke to SiriusXM POTUS Ch. 124 about the long-term stabilization effort necessary in Afghanistan. Taylor underscored the need for a political component in the Afghanistan strategy that has been largely absent to date. Commenting on ISIS, Taylor said in both Iraq and Afghanistan that ISIS is on the defensive.

Will the COINdinistas Rise Again? - The National Interest

Will the COINdinistas Rise Again? - The National Interest

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

By the end of our interview, Nagl was effusive. “USIP prevents wars from happening and ends them sooner, on terms more favorable to the United States. It keeps American soldiers alive,” he annunciated slowly. “USIP understands how wars end.”

USIP ‘Striking Success’ in Iraq

USIP ‘Striking Success’ in Iraq

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

News Type: Announcement

Former U.S. military commanders in Iraq describe the U.S. Institute of Peace as a cost-effective “combat multiplier” with capabilities they “could not get elsewhere,” in an article published today in The National Interest.

Violent Extremism

Rouhani’s Economic Record - Foreign Affairs

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who is running for a second term, is the man to beat on May 19. His opponents will likely zero in on the economy’s mixed performance since the signing of the nuclear deal, appealing to the many Iranians disappointed with the dividends that the agreement has paid so far. Iran has made some economic progress under Rouhani, but the unemployment rate is higher than it was a year ago, and foreign investors are still wary of doing business in the country. To win, Rouhani will have to defend this uneven record. So the president has been broadcasting his economic successes and appealing to voters who have not benefited from them.

More security crises facing Trump - Newsday

Monday, May 1, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

The first 100 days of a new presidency predictably deliver a foreign policy crisis, and President Donald Trump was tested, right on schedule. Events in Syria and North Korea were, unfortunately, unsurprising, even as Bashar Assad’s brutal gassing of his people (again) and the bellicosity of Pyongyang’s saber-rattling are no less chilling.

Michael Yaffe on Syria - SiriusXM POTUS

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

USIP Middle East and Africa Center Vice President Mike Yaffe spoke to SiriusXM POTUS Ch. 124 about increased U.S. engagement in Syria and the role of other outside players including Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Team Trump Seems Unaware of Soft Power's Punch - Bloomberg View

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

That’s why initiatives such as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, President George W. Bush’s landmark initiative to curb HIV infections, are so important. It’s why relatively small programs such as the U.S. Institute of Peace and the East-West Center can have a big impact on foreign views of the U.S.