
US faces difficult task in developing a new Syria strategy - The Arab Weekly

Sunday, April 16, 2017

With the missile strikes — retalia­tion for the Assad regime’s suspect­ed role in a chemical weapons at­tack — US President Donald Trump grabbed the attention of the players in the Syrian crisis. Elie Abouaoun, director of Middle East and Africa Programmes at the US Institute of Peace, a non-partisan think-tank, said the attack on the al-Shayrat air­base told Moscow: “We are back on stage. You are not alone anymore.”

Paul Manafort's two big issues: His finances and Ukraine - CNN International

Friday, April 14, 2017

Taylor said Manafort visited him regularly in Kiev, Ukraine's capital. "He was very transparent about his policy recommendations and political recommendations and style recommendations to Yanukovych," recalled Taylor, now the executive vice president of the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington.

Ambassador William Taylor on ISIS in Afghanistan - BBC World News America

Friday, April 14, 2017

U.S. Institute of Peace Executive Vice President William B. Taylor appeared on BBC World News America to discuss ISIS in Afghanistan and the Trump Administration’s strategy review being led by National Security Advisory H.R. McMaster. Taylor underscored that military options in Afghanistan and the Middle East need to be complemented by a corresponding political strategy.

War, Terrorism, and the Christian Exodus from the Middle East - The New Yorker

Friday, April 14, 2017

Syria’s Christians are part of a mass exodus taking place throughout the Middle East, the cradle of the faith. Today, Christians are only about four per cent of the region’s more than four hundred million people—and probably less. They “have been subject to vicious murders at the hands of terrorist groups, forced out of their ancestral lands by civil wars, suffered societal intolerance fomented by Islamist groups, and subjected to institutional discrimination found in the legal codes and official practices of many Middle Eastern countries,” as several fellows at the Center for American Progress put it.

The Assad Family: Nemesis Of Nine U.S. Presidents - The New Yorker

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Since the bloodless coup, in 1970, that brought the family to power, the Assad dynasty—the founding father, Hafez, and his heir and second son, Bashar—has exasperated nine American Presidents. “Time-consuming, nerve-racking, and bizarre,” Kissinger said of his sessions with Hafez al-Assad. Republican and Democratic Administrations alike have coaxed and cajoled, prodded and praised, and, most recently, confronted and condemned the Assads to induce policy changes.

In Myanmar, a Message at the Polls - US News & World Report

Monday, April 10, 2017

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi's party has been in office for only a year, but by-elections held earlier this month are one signal of discontent among many. The contest over 19 seats was not large enough to be a game changer, and voter turnout was fairly low, yet the results are an indicator of the public's view of the National League for Democracy's performance thus far.

Harvard Program Honors USIP’s Lindborg

Harvard Program Honors USIP’s Lindborg

Friday, April 7, 2017

News Type: Announcement

The Harvard Humanitarian Initiative honors U.S. Institute of Peace President Nancy Lindborg today with an annual award bestowed on “a visionary public figure who has demonstrated superior leadership in a time of humanitarian crisis.”