
Acuerdo de paz definitivo en Colombia - VOA Noticias

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

News Type: USIP in the News

50 años de conflicto interno entre el gobierno y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, FARC, llegaron a su final. En un comunicado conjunto, las partes anunciaron, desde La Habana, que llegaron con éxito a un acuerdo sobre cese al fuego bilateral y definitivo y la dejación de armas.

Trump Campaign Manager’s Firm Turned Blind Eye to Burma Rapes - The Daily Beast

Monday, June 20, 2016

News Type: USIP in the News

“Some military units clearly viewed rape as a legitimate means of demoralizing and degrading their enemies,” Clapp said. “Yes, that was used. It still is, unfortunately.” “In reality, the military government was using violence against everybody, not just women,” she continued. “The army was an equal-opportunity violence machine, aimed at men, women, and children.”

Interview with Nancy Lindborg President, US Institute of Peace - Diplomatic Courier

Friday, June 17, 2016

News Type: USIP in the News

Nancy Lindborg spoke with Aubrey Fox, Exective Director of the Institute for Economics and Peace-USA, about the challenge of translating rhetorical support for conflict prevention and Positive Peace into practical reality, the refugee crisis as a peace issue, how the US military can be a critical peace partner and her plans for USIP in the years ahead.

Former Ambassador Robert Ford on the State Department Mutiny on Syria - The New Yorker

Friday, June 17, 2016

News Type: USIP in the News

The Obama Administration has long been divided over what to do about Syria. The crisis produced one of the biggest differences between President Obama and Hillary Clinton, his first Secretary of State. The policy chasm has only deepened during the five years of conflict, which has now reportedly claimed almost half a million lives.

Love Jihad: Orlando and Gay Muslims - The New Yorker

Thursday, June 16, 2016

News Type: USIP in the News

“We gather regularly as gay Muslims,” he told me, as he fasted during Ramadan. “At the beginning, we ask why God has cursed us with this identity. We leave saying we are blessed with this identity. Why? When you’re born into this world as a Muslim, you are given a set of personal struggles. It’s your jihad. It’s not a holy war. It’s a personal struggle to get closer to God. And what better way to get closer to God than through loving people?”

Dalai Lama Leads a Prayer for Orlando,  Urges Compassion in USIP Visit

Dalai Lama Leads a Prayer for Orlando, Urges Compassion in USIP Visit

Monday, June 13, 2016

News Type: Press Release

(Washington, D.C.) – A day after the United States’ deadliest-ever mass shooting, His Holiness the Dalai Lama led a Washington audience in a silent prayer for peace—but said prayers will be ineffective without “serious action” to erode religious and other communal divisions.