
Institute of Peace Announces State Winners of 2003 National Peace Essay Contest

Thursday, April 24, 2003

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON—Fifty-two American high school students have been named state winners of the 16th annual National Peace Essay Contest, sponsored by the United States Institute of Peace. Each student will receive a $1,000 scholarship for his or her efforts, and will now compete for the 2003 national first prize, a $10,000 college scholarship. The 52 winners will represent their states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia in a program for state-level winners in Washington, D.C. from June 21 t...

Immediate Imperatives in Post-War Iraq

Friday, April 18, 2003

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON—With the Iraq war essentially over, United States priorities are quickly shifting to securing the peace and setting Iraq on the path to democracy. Concerns about immediate needs have been exacerbated by the inability of coalition forces to control widespread looting and lawlessness in Baghdad and elsewhere, reported shortages of potable water in some areas, and the failure to date of coalition forces to find weapons of mass destruction (WMD). In launching an effort that will be mu...

Defining the "Vital Role" for the United Nations in Iraq

Thursday, April 17, 2003

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON—On April 8, President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair affirmed, "The United Nations has a vital role to play in the reconstruction of Iraq." Just the day before, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan noted, "There are lots of areas where the United Nations can play a role, but above all the UN involvement does bring legitimacy which is necessary, necessary for the country, for the region and for the peoples around the world." To assess the various roles that the United Nation...

In Memoriam: Masipula Sithole

Friday, April 4, 2003

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON--The U.S. Institute of Peace mourns the passing of Dr. Masipula Sithole, of Harare, Zimbabwe, a senior fellow at the Institute during 2002-2003. Sithole, who was 56, died on April 3 in Fairfax, Virginia, after suffering a massive stroke. His life was one of deep commitment to the people of Zimbabwe. Masipula Sithole was one of Africa's most respected scholars. He was a professor of political science at the University of Zimbabwe and founding director of the Mass Public Opinion Ins...

Kirkuk: A Potential Iraq Hot Spot Needs U.S. Attention Now

Thursday, March 20, 2003

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON--Kirkuk, the northern Iraq city and surrounding province that produces a large share of Iraq's oil, is a potential hot spot of interethnic tension in the aftermath of the Iraq war. Claimed historically by both Kurds (at one time a majority in the province) and Turkmen (at one time a majority in the city), Kirkuk has seen the displacement of much of its Kurdish, Turkmen, and Christian population by the Saddam Hussein regime, which sought to "Arabize" it by importing over 250,000 mos...

Understanding North Korean Negotiating Behavior

Wednesday, January 8, 2003

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON--Journalists and others seeking to understand the strange machinations of Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime would do well to read Negotiating on the Edge: North Korean Negotiating Behavior by Scott Snyder, published in 1999 by the U.S. Institute of Peace Press. Scott Snyder, a former program officer with the Institute, now with the Asia Foundation in Seoul, explains in the book that the North Koreans' disturbing penchant for confrontation, threats and violence should not be...

Middle East Scholar Tamara Cofman Wittes Joins U.S. Institute of Peace

Monday, December 23, 2002

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON—The United States Institute of Peace is pleased to welcome Tamara Cofman Wittes, who this week joined our Research and Studies Program as a Middle East specialist. Wittes comes to us from the Middle East Institute, where she was director of programs from June 2000 to December 2002. In that position, she developed and ran programs examining politics, culture and society in the region, from Morocco to Pakistan. A specialist on the Arab-Israeli peace process, Wittes has undertaken r...

Eye of the Hurricane: Liberia and Instability in West Africa

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON--"The cancer that has afflicted West Africa throughout the 1990s continues to spread. The Ivory Coast is just the most recent state to fall victim to violent instability in what now appears to be a civil war." With these sobering words Chester A. Crocker, chairman of the Board of Directors at the U.S. Institute of Peace, introduced the most recent development in the unfolding West African regional war at a December 9, 2002 Current Issues Briefing at the Institute of Peace titled, "...

Disarming Iraq: Problems and Prospects

Thursday, December 5, 2002

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON—The likelihood of war with Iraq now hinges on the outcome of the UN mandated inspections that begin in earnest this week. While the terms of these latest inspections—known as UNMOVIC—are different from the earlier inspection and disarmament program—known as UNSCOM—that began after the Gulf War in 1991, there are still important lessons to be learned from its experience. The knowledge gained in these earlier inspections also points to the enormous challenges now confronting UNMOVIC ...