
Sudan Says Pipeline Shutdown Is 'Reversible' - New York Times

Sunday, June 9, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

Jonathan Temin, director of the Sudan and South Sudan program at the United States Institute of Peace, an independent but Congressionally financed organization, called Mr. Bashir's threat “a discouraging development given the relative progress over the ...

Learning from Iran's elections - Foreign Policy (blog)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

The field of candidates may be limited, but the outside world can still learn a lot from Iran's 2013 presidential poll. The election will provide three pivotal metrics about the Islamic republic now that the Ahmadinejad era is ending.

Turkey Unrest May Impact Syria Peace Talks - Voice of America

Thursday, June 6, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

... Syrian conflict might unfold: whether negotiations were to begin or whether the West, including Turkey, were to agree to take a more active policy in trying to contain the activities of the Assad regime," said analyst Steve Heydemann, U.S ...

No Fly Zone Over Syria Difficult to Establish - The Epoch Times

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

... the option of a No Fly Zone has only become louder and expressed with a great deal more urgency, including by a number of very prominent members of Congress,” said Steven Heydemann on May 29 at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP).

Community Colleges Essential to the Success of Internationalized Education

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release Contact: Paula Burke, 202-429-4778 Steven Ruder, 202-429-3825 (Washington)—The United States Institute of Peace releases a new volume that identifies community colleges as major force in strengthening global education and promoting broad-based educational strategies to advance peace. Edited by David J. Smith and including contributions by 23 experts from the education and peacebuilding field, Peacebuilding in Community Colleges: A Teaching Resource is designed to gu...

Education & Training

In Syria's Bashar Assad Getting The Upper Hand? - NPR

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

In a recent discussion at the U.S. institute of Peace in Washington, numerous analysis expressed frustration with the limited role the U.S. has played in Syria. The participants focused on the daunting details of imposing a no-fly zone in Syria, but ...

Afghan reintegration scheme in the spotlight -

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

APRP aims to reintegrate low level fighters, while simultaneously reconciling top commanders with the government through political dialogue, according to the US Institute for Peace. In return for renouncing violence and accepting the Afghan ...

Analysis: Path to Syria peace talks littered with obstacles - CNN

Friday, May 31, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

"For a long time after Vietnam, our government was paralyzed with doubt; we are seeing that process again in the wake of the catastrophic war in Iraq," Hof told a conference Wednesday at the U.S. Institute of Peace. "We have a government that believes ...