
The Deal: Will the Sharm El Sheik Agreement Stop the Violence?

Tuesday, October 17, 2000

News Type: Press Release

Will the agreement at the Sharm El Sheik emergency summit be enough to end the current round of violence consuming the Middle East? If Barak and Arafat cannot end the violence, who can? What impact is the crisis having on overall regional stability? Has the U.S. overextended its brokering role in attempting to bring peace to the Middle East? Middle East specialists Jon Alterman, Judy Barsalou, Theodore Feifer, Jeff Helsing, Neil H...

Yugoslavia: An Incomplete Revolution

Tuesday, October 17, 2000

News Type: Press Release

Although the people of Yugoslavia, in a historic show of strength and unity, have taken a momentous step towards establishing a strong and vibrant democracy, the revolution is not yet complete. What will be the priorities for the democratic opposition as Yugoslavia makes its transition from autocracy to democracy? How can the international community be supportive of these reformers in Yugoslavia? On Thursday, October 12th, the U....

Middle East Meltdown

Thursday, October 12, 2000

News Type: Press Release

What can be done to end the current outbreak of violence consuming the Middle East? How far should the U.S. go to help bring peace to the Middle East? Can Barak and Arafat even sell a workable peace agreement to their domestic constituencies? Can the conflict be contained or will the crisis draw in Lebanon, Syria, and others? Middle East specialists Jon Alterman, Judy Barsalou, Theodore Feifer, Jeff Helsing, and Steven Riskin are ...

Kostunica Moves In

Friday, October 6, 2000

News Type: Press Release

Our experts can answer your questions now and over the weekend: Harriet Hentges Executive Vice President of the U.S. Institute of Peace First-hand Balkan experience and expert on conflict resolution Analyst of the role of civilian organizations and people power Created the Institute's Balkans Initiative, which focuses on preventing future conflict in the region Dan Serwer ...

New Senior Fellows Arrive at U.S. Institute of Peace

Wednesday, October 4, 2000

News Type: Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The United States Institute of Peace is pleased to welcome the 2000-01 cohort of Senior Fellows in residence to the Institute. The fourteenth class of fellows since the Institute began the program, the Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program is one of the Institute's earliest and longest running programs. Named in honor of former U.S. Senator Jennings Randolph, a vigorous proponent in the Institute's founding, the...

The Election in Yugoslavia

Monday, September 25, 2000

News Type: Press Release

On September 27th, members of the Institute Balkans Working Group met and discussed the results of the September 24 Yugoslav elections. During the discussion, the following conclusions were reached by the Balkans Working Group regarding the meaning of the election results and what the current government of President Slobodan Milosevic will do next.   The Milosevic regime is cracking, but his fate is still not sealed... The Demo...

Putting Milosevic to the Test

Monday, September 25, 2000

News Type: Press Release

Washington, D.C. -- How did Milosevic fare in this Sunday's elections? Can he be trusted to honor the elections results in the event of an opposition upset? What's next for the opposition movement in the former Yugoslavia in the event of a Milosevic victory? What can and should the West do in the wake of the elections to promote the growth of democracy in the former Yugoslavia and throughout the Balkans? What will the elections me...

Reassessing South Asia

Tuesday, September 12, 2000

News Type: Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee will make a historic address to a joint-session of Congress on the status of Indo-U.S. relations this week as part of a special tour of the U.S. What are the challenges in developing a sound U.S. foreign policy toward South Asia? Can the nuclear genie in South Asia be put back in the bottle? What can be done to keep conflict in Kashmir from consuming South Asia? South A...

The Chasm Closes: The U.S. and Iran Work Toward Peace

Tuesday, September 5, 2000

News Type: Press Release

The United States and Iran, two nations separated by a 20-year history of hostility, now eye each other warily across a political chasm. Despite emerging areas of shared interest, the absence of diplomatic ties makes policy dialogue between these two former antagonists a daunting challenge. How to bridge the gap? America's opening to China in the 1970s holds a number of useful lessons for today's diplomacy between the world's olde...

Montenegro's Vote: No

Tuesday, August 29, 2000

News Type: Press Release

Montenegro's democratic government has recently reaffirmed its determination not to participate in elections set for September 24 throughout the federal state it shares with Serbia, the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)." The government of Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has decided to allow the elections to be held in the republic, but will not recognize the results as legitimate, following constitutional changes rammed...