
Pakistani Shiites condemn government after bombings - Washington Post

News Type: USIP in the News

“It is quite precarious,” said Moeed Yusuf, a Pakistan expert at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington. “The state writ has unraveled, and the military doesn't seem able to put the lid on things as they could in the past.” The Pakistani army says ...

Syria's Uprising Enters Third Year - Voice of America

News Type: USIP in the News

... and until it can be persuaded that it faces the possibility of defeat, I'm not sure that we are going to find it willing to enter any kind of serious negotiating process,” said Middle East analyst Steven Heydemann, who works at the United States ...

Obama to Prod Israelis, Palestinians on Peace Efforts - Voice of America

Thursday, March 14, 2013

News Type: USIP in the News

Obama will reassure both sides that he supports their rights, and their security, says Neil Kritz of the U.S. Institute for Peace. The stakes are high. "For this president, one of the key challenges will be at what point does a two-state solution ...

Afghan women navigate a challenging judicial landscape -

News Type: USIP in the News

While figures on how such disputes are resolved vary, a December 2011 report by the US Institute of Peace says at least 80 percent of cases are settled through “traditional dispute resolution [TDR] mechanisms”. However, many see TDR as bad for women's ...  

What Muslims Want In A New Pope - Huffington Post

News Type: USIP in the News

A young pope could be more in tune with the globalized world and all the interfaith activity that takes place," said Qamar-ul Huda, an expert on religious conflict and reconciliation at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington. "They live in ...

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) Announces a Cost-Cutting Design Competition

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

News Type: Press Release

“Lights and Windows Challenge”: Help the Institute find a more time- and cost- efficient way to wash windows and change light bulbs. USIP seeks to reduce costs and minimize the time needed to wash the windows and change the light bulbs in its Schulz Great Hall and International Women’s Commons.

'Kerry more willing to push White House on Syria' - FRANCE 24

News Type: USIP in the News

FRANCE 24 'Kerry more willing to push White House on Syria' FRANCE 24 ... the US is moving toward more transparent engagement with the Syrian opposition, even perhaps leaving the door open for directly supplying weapons in the future, FRANCE 24 spoke with Steven Heydemann of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). Syrian National Council: US should intervene with military action in Syria ...allvoices all 264 news articles »