
USIP Experts React to Presidential Speech on the Middle East

Thursday, May 19, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, May 19, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 (Washington) - Experts from the United States Institute of Peace closely followed President Barack Obama's speech on the Arab Spring and Middle East peace early today. Manal Omar, director of Iraq programs and regional expert commented: "Obama articulated a clear position in support of the reforms. For people in the streets across the Middle East, Obama’s speech is a demonstration of a political will to discuss the...

USIP Experts Discuss Impact of bin Laden Death

Monday, May 2, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, May 2, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 (Washington) – Experts from the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) have been closely following the developments regarding Osama bin Laden's death during a U.S. military operation in Pakistan. Colonel John Maraia, USIP Army Fellow, discussed the impact on U.S. counterterrorism efforts saying that: "Killing the acknowledged leader of al-Qaida is a critical step in this war of ideas and images; it clearly sends the message ...

In Memoriam: Max van der Stoel

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, April 27, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 The U.S. Institute of Peace was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Max van der Stoel on April 23, 2011. Van der Stoel was a distinguished Dutch politician and former minister of foreign affairs (1973-1977 and 1981-1982). He was one of the first USIP Jennings Randolph senior fellows. While in residence at the Institute (1987-1988), van der Stoel’s research focused on the future prospects of the alliance between...

U.S. Institute of Peace Publishes New Report on the Disputed Territories in Iraq

Monday, April 4, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, April 4, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 (Washington) – The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) announces the publication of "Iraq’s Disputed Territories: A View of the Political Horizon and Implications for U.S. Policy," a new Peaceworks report that illustrates in a detailed and specific way what Iraqi-negotiated solutions to the disputed province of Kirkuk and other territories in northern Iraq might look like. Author Sean Kane, a program officer at ...

In Memoriam: Denis McLean

Thursday, March 31, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, March 31, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 (Washington) – The U.S. Institute of Peace was deeply saddened to learn of the sudden death of Denis McLean on March 30, 2011. McLean was a distinguished New Zealand civil servant (including, secretary of defence from 1979-1988 and ambassador to the United States from 1991-1994), professor and a USIP Jennings Randolph Fellow from 1994-1995. At the United States Institute of Peace, McLean’s research focused on mult...

Richard Solomon on This is America

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, March 29, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 (Washington) – Dr. Richard Solomon, president of the U.S. Institute of Peace, was a guest on "This is America with Dennis Wholey." In the interview, Dr. Solomon discusses USIP's unique mission, on-the ground and training work, and budget situation. He also touched upon his experience as a diplomat with the Department of State and his recent book "American Negotiating Behavior: Wheeler-Dealers, Legal Eagles, Bullies,...

USIP Experts Discuss Developing Situation in Middle East, North Africa

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, March 29, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 (Washington) – Experts from the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) are closely following developments throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In a series of reports and interviews, they cover a wide range of issues. Below are excerpts from the pieces with links to the full commentaries: Raymond Gilpin and others on Defusing Egypt's Demographic Time Bomb "Employment creation that focuses on the youth is not a silv...

Ambassador Samuel W. Lewis Calls for Congressional Funding for USIP

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

News Type: Press Release

For Immediate Release, March 23, 2011 Contact: Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725   Charles Nelson (left) speaks with Amb. Sam Lewis and Sallie Lewis (Washington) - Former President of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Ambassador Samuel W. Lewis called on Congress to fund the congressionally created organization that supports international conflict prevention, management, and...

Effective U.S.-Pakistan Negotiations Crucial to South Asian Peace

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

News Type: Press Release

March 22, 2011 For Immediate Release Contact: Meg Pierannunzi, 202-429-4736               Allison Sturma, 202-429-4725 (Washington) – As the United States begins planning a withdrawal in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s support is pivotal for U.S. security interests. Thus far, the goals of the two countries have remained divergent and it will require skillful and persistent negotiations to ensure Pakistan’s support. How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States: Riding the Roller Coaster, a new v...

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