Rationale: This activity introduces the problem-solving process to students and encourages creative ideas.


  1. To practice thinking creatively, or thinking outside the box.
  2. To explore the role of creative thinking in managing conflicts.

Materials: None

Time: 10 minutes


  1. Draw the following on the board. 
    Think Outside the Box 1 _0.jpg

  2. Instruct students to connect all 9 dots with only four straight lines, without lifting their pen.

    Think Outside the Box 2.jpg
  3. Lead a class discussion using some or all of the following questions:
    • How were people able to solve the problem?
    • What made it difficult?
    • What made it easy?
    • What did students have to do?
    • How can this be applied to real conflict management issues?

Adapted from Exercise 5.4.2, Creating a Culture of Peace in the English Language Classroom by Alison Milofsky (United States Institute of Peace). 

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