The United States Institute of Peace hosted a second meeting of its Bosnia Working Group to discuss the unfolding crisis in Kosovo. Participants were asked to provide recommendations for how the negotiating process could achieve a viable and acceptable outcome for all parties to the conflict. In addition, members of the working group were asked to critique the international community's role in attempting to mediate, resolve, and simply contain the conflict.

About the Report

On June 15, 1998, the United States Institute of Peace hosted a second meeting of its Bosnia Working Group to discuss the unfolding crisis in Kosovo. Participants were asked to provide recommendations for how the negotiating process could achieve a viable and acceptable outcome for all parties to the conflict. In addition, members of the working group were asked to critique the international community's role in attempting to mediate, resolve, and simply contain the conflict. This report, prepared by Institute program officer Lauren Van Metre and research assistants Albert Cevallos and Kristine Herrmann, is a working document written to suggest core issues for resolution of the Kosovo crisis-issues that can be used as a basis for further thinking and discussion.

The authors are aware that steps for implementing the recommendations proposed in this report are not provided. These steps must be based on a coherent regional strategy. The purpose of this report, therefore, is to generate comments and responses and encourage reflection on a comprehensive strategy for the long-term stability of Kosovo and its Balkan neighbors.

The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Institute of Peace, which does not advocate specific policies.

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