San Andrés Larráinzar Agreements

Posted by USIP Library on: February 16, 1999
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: February 12, 1999

Joint declaration that the federal government and the EZLN shall submit to national debating and decision-making bodies (Document 1)
Posted by USIP Library on: February 16, 1999
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: February 12, 1999

Joint proposals that the federal government and the EZLN agree to remit to the national debating and decision-making bodies in accordance with paragraph 1.4 of the rules of procedure (Document 2)
Posted by USIP Library on: February 16, 1999
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: February 16, 1999

Commitments for Chiapas by the state and federal overnment and the EZLN (Document 3.1)
Posted by USIP Library on: February 16, 1999
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: February 16, 1999

Actions and measures for Chiapas: Joint commitments and proposals from the state and federal governments and the EZLN (Document 3.2)
Posted by USIP Library on: February 16, 1999
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: February 12, 1999

Acuerdos de San Andrés de Larráinzar

in Spanish
Posted by USIP Library on: December 23, 1998
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: December 22, 1998

Pronunciamiento conjunto que el Gobierno Federal y el EZLN eviarrán a las instancias de debate y decisión nacional (Documento 1)
in Spanish
Posted by USIP Library on: December 23, 1998
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: December 22, 1998

Propuestas conjuntas que el gobierno federal y el EZLN se comprometen a enviar a las instancias de debate y decisión nacional, correspondientes al punto 1.4 de las Reglas de Procedimiento (Documento 2)
in Spanish
Posted by USIP Library on: December 23, 1998
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: December 22, 1998

Compromisos para Chiapas del Gobierno del Estado y Federal y el EZLN (Documento 3.1)
in Spanish
Posted by USIP Library on: December 23, 1998
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: December 22, 1998

Acciones y Medidas para Chiapas: Compromisos y propuestas conjuntas de los gobiernos del Estado y Federal y el EZLN (Documento 3.2)
in Spanish
Posted by USIP Library on: December 23, 1998
Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior
Source URL:
Date downloaded: December 22, 1998

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