From October 13 to October 21, the Institute conducted the first two professional skills workshops in a new collaboration with the Defense Ministry of Serbia and Montenegro.

From October 13 to October 21, the Institute conducted the first two professional skills workshops in a new collaboration with the Defense Ministry of Serbia and Montenegro. The programs took place in the conference center at Palic, near the up-country town of Subotica, and involved 70 military and civilian staff members of the Defense Ministry, officers from military units throughout Serbia and Montenegro, and professors and students at the Military Academy.

The participants in both workshops were extremely energetic, rigorous and creative in addressing the various negotiation, mediation and problem-solving situations with which they were faced. Most were lieutenant colonels or the equivalent rank, but the inclusion of majors and captains, as well as civilians, and officers from both the Ministry and the field, provided valuable diversity and an opportunity to share varied professional experiences.

The workshops are a contribution to the reform and modernization efforts undertaken by Defense Minister Tadic and his staff, and focused on building skills and teamwork in the areas of problem solving, conflict analysis, negotiation and mediation. General Milan Zaric, the Deputy Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff, participated actively in the first day of the program and contributed significantly to its success.

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