USIP's SENSE team and young Iraqi leaders brave bombings to continue conference.

USIP's SENSE program (Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise) has been widely used throughout Iraq to train government and civil society leaders on principles of negotiation, cooperative problem solving, and decision-making. Recently, a SENSE simulation dubbed the Young Lieutenants Training (YLT), brought together young civic leaders from across Iraq's political and ethno-religious landscape. Already serving as deputies to senior Iraqi figures, these dynamic young people would prove not only their acumen for the principles of negotiating tough decisions, but also their courage as Baghdad came under recent assault by a series of coordinated terrorist attacks.

Members of USIP’s SENSE Team and nearly forty participants of the YLT program had just settled into training when the first explosion was heard. Within minutes, a second even larger explosion detonated, causing a complete power outage. USIP staff described stumbling in the darkened conference room as shattering glass and dust filled the air. Though the hotel and conference room suffered extensive damage, USIP facilitators and participants were miraculously unharmed.  After taking stock of the situation, the group made the remarkably brave decision to continue their SENSE training, reconvening each day despite having to walk several kilometers to reach the hotel amidst a devastated blast area stretching many city blocks.  Touched by the dedication and resilience of these young Iraqi leaders, hotel management agreed to provide meals for the remainder of the conference. “I found a real spirit of courage, faithfulness, and willingness to continue,” commented USIP facilitator, Humam Regab.

If the determination and courage displayed by these young men and women is any indication of the kind of leaders Iraq can draw on going forward, then it suggests a hopeful future for all Iraqis, one worthy of our support and encouragement.

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