These are links to online reports, policy briefs, occasional papers, working papers and other research papers pertaining to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and related topics which are produced by sources not associated with the U. S. Institute of Peace.

These are links to online reports, policy briefs, occasional papers, working papers and other research papers pertaining to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and related topics which are produced by sources not associated with the U. S. Institute of Peace. This listing should not be considered exhaustive, and neither the organizations nor their reports should be considered to reflect the views of the U.S. Institute of Peace. The Peaceworks and Special Reports series of papers produced by the U.S. Institute of Peace may be found at the resources page.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP)

CEIP is a private, nonprofit organization promoting international cooperation, and sponsoring research, publishing, conferences, and other activities. CEIP publishes a variety of online papers including reports, policy briefs, issue briefs, newspaper opinion pieces, and other materials which are available online. The lengthier reports address topics such as chemical and biological weapons and international policy towards Iraq; most are available as PDF files, but some are in HTML. The policy briefs discuss topics such as post-conflict reconstruction in Afghanistan or the U.S. role in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and are in PDF. The issue briefs include CEIP's Proliferation Brief series as well as papers on economic development, and are available in HTML.

Conciliation Resources (CR)

CR is a London-based non-governmental organization (NGO) which serves as an international resource for organizations involved in peacebuilding and conflict resolution initiatives. CR publishes a variety of occasional papers. Most of the papers deal with a conflict-related issue in a specific country, but some deal with broader topics such as the role of NGOs in peacemaking. Almost all are available in HTML, but some are zipped files. CR also publishes Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives, in both print and electronic formats.

COPRI is a research institute within the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and seeks to stimulate debate and research on international key issues related to peace and security studies. COPRI conducts and publishes research, and conducts seminars. An extensive body of working papers dating back to early 1996 is available online. Most papers are available in Microsoft Word format; some of the more recent are available as PDF files, and a few are in Rich Text Format (RTF). COPRI working papers explore both theoretical and practical topics such as ethnic conflict, human rights and globalization; Israeli-Palestinian relations, NGO intervention in ethnic conflicts, post-Dayton conflict regulation in Bosnia, and European involvement in the crises in Africa's Great Lakes region.

Note: COPRI ceasesd to exist on 1 January 2005 when it was merged into the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

ISS is a non-profit organization based in South Africa which sponsors research and analysis of a broad range of security issues affecting South Africa and Africa generally. ISS publishes a series of monographs and a series of occasional papers and conference papers which are available online through the ISS site's publications page. They are also available in print form. The principal focus of the ISS is on security issues, but the concept is broadly defined and a substantial number of its publications deal with issues such as peacekeeping, conflict prevention and management, peace processes and agreements, truth and reconciliation commissions, humanitarian intervention, human security, arms control, conflict diamonds, and child soldiers. Well over a hundred papers and monographs are available, dating back as far as 1996. All are in HTML. The site also provides online access to the ISS journal African Security Review, and a catalog of ISS books.

International Alert

International Alert is a British-based nongovernmental organization (NGO) which attempts to address the root causes of violence and contribute to peaceful transformation of violent internal conflict. Their publications page provides online access to International Alert reports, research papers, briefings, conference papers, and newsletters, as well as ordering information for their more substantial publications. Typical International Alert reports pertain to conflict prevention, peacebuilding, conflict-sensitive approaches to development, small arms control and privatization of security. All online reports and other documents are in PDF, and most are in English.

International Conflict Research (INCORE)

INCORE was established by the University of Ulster and the United Nations University to undertake research and policy work intended to facilitate resolution of ethnic, political and religious conflicts. INCORE's current research focuses on post conflict, governance, diversity, and research methodology in violent societies. The INCORE publication page provides access to their various online publications. The INCORE occasional papers series features research on topics such as peacekeeping and peacemaking, human rights, conflict prevention and resolution, and multiculturalism and identity; although the collection is weighted towards issues affecting Northern Ireland, many of the papers concern other areas of the world and more global issues. The earlier occasional papers are in HTML, and the more recent are in PDF. The INCORE research reports series is also available online and addresses similar issues; some papers are available in PDF, while some are in HTML. INCORE also makes many of its conference proceedings and papers available online.

The International Crisis Group (ICG)

ICG is a private, multinational organization engaged in advocacy and analysis to prevent and resolve deadly conflict. ICG provides online access to their reports, briefings, op-eds, and media releases organized by region and by date. Typical ICG report topics include peacebuilding in Afghanistan, Iran’s nuclear program, security issues in Liberia, settlements and the “Mideast Roadmap,” refugees in Burundi, Jemaah Islamiyah in South East Asia, governing post-war Iraq, and negotiation strategies with North Korea. ICG also publishes Crisis Watch, a short monthly bulletin designed to provide succinct regular updates on the most significant situations of conflict or potential conflict around the world. Reports, Crisis Watch and briefing papers are in PDF.

The International Peace Academy (IPA)

IPA is an independent, international institution which promotes the prevention and settlement of armed conflicts between and within states through policy research and development. The Reports section of their publications web page provides online access to policy papers, including their Policy Paper Series on Peace Implementation, and reports from IPA-sponsored conferences, symposia and seminars. Typical IPA reports include policy papers on sustainable peace, strengthening UN capacities for prevention of violent conflict, and implementing peace agreements in civil wars. Some IPA policy papers and reports are in PDF, and some are in HTML.

The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame conducts research, education, and outreach programs on the causes of violence and the conditions for sustainable peace. Kroc Institute occasional papers published since early 1998 are available online in PDF, with abstracts of earlier papers available in HTML. Typical Kroc Institute occasional paper topics include conflict resolution, peacemaking, reconciliation, and peacebuilding in political conflict situations, terrorism and peace research. Print copies are available from the Kroc Institute. The Kroc Institute also publishes a series of policy briefs on topics such as the Arab-Israeli conflict, the situation in Kashmir, and the U.S. opposition to the International Criminal Court. The policy briefs are available online in HTML and are also available by free e-mail subscription.

The Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS)

The Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (ACDIS) of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is an interdisciplinary research, teaching, and public service program; among other activities, ACDIS produces an occasional papers series with the online archive going back to 1995. Typical ACDIS occasional paper topics include implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts peace accord in Bangladesh, "Plan Colombia," and the contemporary nuclear arms control environment. All archived occasional papers are available in PDF, and some are available in HTML. In addition, some ACDIS research reports are available online. 

Pugwash Conferences

The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs are a continuing series of conferences, meetings and workshops which began in 1957 and bring together scholars and public figures in their unofficial capacities to discuss arms control and means of reducing international tension. Pugwash publishes online occasional papers from their annual conferences as well as reports and statements and other materials from other Pugwash meetings and workshops. The principal Pugwash concern is the control of strategic arms and other weapons of mass destruction, but conferences also focus on topics such as the causes of war, humanitarian intervention and international security. Conference occasional papers are available online from February 2000, with the more recent ones in PDF and the earlier ones in HTML. The other materials are in HTML, and some date to 1998.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

SIPRI is an independent foundation established by the Swedish parliament to conduct and report on scientific research on questions of conflict and cooperation of relevance to international peace and security, with the goal of contributing to an understanding of the conditions for peaceful solution of international conflicts. SIPRI publishes a series of policy papers online which focus primarily on arms control issues (e.g., Policy Paper no. 5, Non-Compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention: Lessons from and for Iraq) but some also pertain to conflict resolution and peacekeeping issues (e.g.,Policy Paper no. 2, Anti-terrorism and Peace-building During and After Conflict). SIPRI policy papers are listed among other SIPRI publications, most of which are not available online. SIPRI policy papers are in PDF.

The Conflict Prevention and Reconstruction Unit (CPR Unit) of the World Bank Group provides conflict analysis, and develops methods to deal with development issues in conflict-affected countries and support transitions to sustainable peace in areas emerging from conflict. Online publications from the CPR Unit include a series of policy research papers, working papers, "Dissemination Notes," press reports, and summary reports from World Bank operations in conflict areas. The papers include topics such as civil war and development policy, development and reconstruction issues in war-torn societies, child soldiers, education and war, humanitarian assistance, education reform in post-conflict settings, and gender issues in demobilization and reconstruction. Papers go back to 1993, although most are considerably more recent. Most papers are in PDF but some of the shorter ones are in HTML.

World Bank Group: Economics of Conflict

The Economics of Conflict project is a research program of the World Bank Group which seeks to determine factors that increase the risk of civil war, terrorism and violent crime, policies that are conducive to reducing those risks, and the difference between conflict-torn societies and other societies. All studies produced by the project are available as online publications, and address issues such as the onset and termination of civil war, economic causes and consequences of civil war, ethnic cleavages in conflict, the role and nature of political institutions in affected systems, the role of external intervention and issues pertaining to crime. The oldest studies date from 2000. The research studies are in PDF, but abstracts are available in HTML.

Updated: November 15, 2006

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