A New Approach to Understanding Afghanistan's Transition

A New Approach to Understanding Afghanistan's Transition

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When it is compared with other countries that have undergone transition, Afghanistan is revealed to be stronger than many on economic performance but weaker than the norm for governance and rule of law. If its strengths are supported and weak areas are targeted for improvement, the country will improve its prospects for a successful transition, say the authors of this new report.

Type: Peaceworks

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Understanding Pakistan's Water-Security Nexus

Understanding Pakistan's Water-Security Nexus

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pakistan faces unprecedented stresses on its water resources from inequitable distribution, population growth, urbanization, and shifts in production and consumption patterns, and these water problems exacerbate local tensions. Solutions to Pakistan’s water crisis must focus on addressing unsustainable practices and gross mismanagement, say the authors of this new report.

Type: Peaceworks


Midterm Challenges in Nigeria

Midterm Challenges in Nigeria

Monday, May 13, 2013

At the midpoint between presidential elections in Nigeria, the country’s leaders need to take stock of the conflict resolution mechanisms in place to deal with the political divide between north and south, Muslim and Christian, and to prevent electoral violence in 2015. Depending on how it contributes to regional balance, power sharing, and perceptions of fair play, the coming phase of party coalition building may well determine future national stability.

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Armed Groups Maintaining Law and Order

Armed Groups Maintaining Law and Order

Monday, May 13, 2013

What should the relationship between governments and the international community be with armed groups, and how might that connection be managed responsibly? USIP Senior Fellow Bruce Oswald explores the matter and the challenges involved.

Type: Peace Brief

Clean Hands in Peacekeeping: The U.N. Needs to Do More

Clean Hands in Peacekeeping: The U.N. Needs to Do More

Friday, May 10, 2013

In the wake of a United Nations report on atrocities committed at the end of last year by Congolese government soldiers and M23 rebels, USIP Jennings Randolph fellow Carla Ferstman sees a disconnect between the U.N.’s human rights standards for host government forces and those set for militaries that participate in its own peacekeeping contingents.

Type: Analysis

Justice, Security & Rule of Law