Will the Long March to Democracy in Pakistan Finally Succeed?

Will the Long March to Democracy in Pakistan Finally Succeed?

Friday, July 8, 2011

To break its pattern of alternating democratic and military rule, Pakistan’s civilian government should assert authority over its military and intelligence agencies, involve civil society in building a robust legislative agenda, and investigate and prosecute corruption. The international community can help by maintaining support for Pakistani institutions and organizations that have strengthened democratic practices.

Type: Peaceworks

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Second Annual Conference on Preventing Violent Conflict

Second Annual Conference on Preventing Violent Conflict

Friday, July 8, 2011

USIP’s annual “Preventing Violent Conflict” conference is designed to spotlight the importance of the subject, address specific challenges facing prevention efforts and identify priority areas for USIP’s future work on conflict prevention. This brief summarizes the highlights of that conference.

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World

Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World

Friday, July 1, 2011

Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World examines conflict management capacities and gaps regionally and globally, and assesses whether regions—through their regional organizations or through loose coalitions of states, regional bodies, and non-official actors—are able to address an array of new and emerging security threats.

Type: Book

Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War-Torn Societies

Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War-Torn Societies

Friday, July 1, 2011

Customary Justice and the Rule of Law in War-Torn Societies presents seven in-depth case studies that take a broad interdisciplinary approach to the study of the justice system. Moving beyond the narrow lens of legal analysis, the cases—Mozambique, Guatemala, East Timor, Afghanistan, Liberia, Iraq, Sudan—examine the larger historical, political, and social factors that shape the character and role of customary justice systems and their place in the overall justice sector.  

Type: Book
