Haiti: Turning the Page?

Haiti: Turning the Page?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Confirmation of a new prime minister by Haiti’s parliament provides an opportunity to rectify previous missteps and begin moving Haiti toward a peaceful and prosperous future.

Type: Peace Brief


What Gender Violence Means for Afghan Women

What Gender Violence Means for Afghan Women

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last week’s news about an Afghan woman executed publicly after being accused of adultery created outrage around the world, from the top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, to the Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs. President Hamid Karzai called for the arrest of the killers, said by the U.S. and Afghan officials to be members of the Taliban. Kathleen Kuehnast takes a look at the horrific killing of the woman as well as the broader issue of Afghan women in transition.

Type: Analysis


Seeds of Peace Campers Visit USIP

Seeds of Peace Campers Visit USIP

Friday, July 13, 2012

On July 9, 43 second-year "Seeds" in their mid-to-late teens visited USIP for a briefing on the Institute’s work and to experience some of the content of the Institute’s Global Peacebuilding Center.

Type: Analysis

Education & Training

Blogs and Bullets II: New Media and Conflict after the Arab Spring

Blogs and Bullets II: New Media and Conflict after the Arab Spring

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Based on Twitter and Facebook data gathered during the 2011 Arab revolutions, the authors of this Peaceworks report find that new media informed international audiences and mainstream media reporting, but they find less evidence that it played a direct role in organizing protests or allowing local audiences to share self-generated news directly with one another.

Type: Peaceworks