
Syria and "The Day After" Project

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

USIP's senior adviser for Middle East initiatives, Steven Heydemann, discusses “The Day After” project, a Syrian-led effort to plan for a post-Assad transition.

Type: Analysis

Religion and Peacebuilding

Religion and Peacebuilding

Friday, August 3, 2012

The maturing field of religious peacebuilding faces challenges in integrating with secular peacebuilding efforts, engaging women and youth, and working more effectively with non-Abrahamic religious traditions.

Type: Special Report


Mutual Accountability

Mutual Accountability

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

This paper builds on remarks on mutual accountability at the July 18 U.S. Institute of Peace panel discussion “From Transition to the Transformation Decade: Afghanistan’s Economic and Governance Agenda after Tokyo” (second session on “Filling the trust gap—what does ‘mutual accountability’ mean, what are the first steps, what is the role of civil society?”). The views expressed in this brief do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Institute of Peace, which does not take policy positi...

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

A USIP Interview with Abraham Awolich

A USIP Interview with Abraham Awolich

Monday, July 30, 2012

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) is providing seed funding and advisory support for the Sudd Institute, a new, nongovernmental policy institute based in Juba, South Sudan. Abraham Awolich, a South Sudanese specialist in public administration with experience in development and governance issues and the acting executive director of the Sudd Institute sat down with USIP.

Type: Analysis

Education & TrainingMediation, Negotiation & DialogueEducation & Training

Democratic Breakthroughs: The Ingredients of Successful Revolts

Democratic Breakthroughs: The Ingredients of Successful Revolts

Friday, July 27, 2012

Although each revolution is different, each successful case of democratic breakthrough shares common domestic and international influences. This report examines 11 cases of past successes at removing autocratic regimes and establishing elections. It then applies its findings to the emerging revolutions of the Arab Spring.

Type: Peaceworks

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue