The Future of the U.S. Military Presence in Iraq

The Future of the U.S. Military Presence in Iraq

Monday, September 1, 2008

A major reduction in the U.S. role in Iraq may be on the horizon. Author Julie Montgomery examines whether Washington should continue to engage or go home, the nature of U.S. leverage on the Iraqi government and related themes.

Type: Peace Brief

Public-Private Partnerships in Governance and Economic Reconstruction in Iraq

Sunday, August 17, 2008

On August 10th Senior Program Officer Nina Sughrue participated in a one day workshop in Istanbul, Turkey called "Public-Private Partnerships in Governance and Economic Reconstruction in Iraq." The purpose of the joint workshop, which was convened by UNDP Iraq, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, the Business Humanitarian Forum, the UN-mandated University for Peace and the U.S. Institute of Peace, was to provide participants with an opportunity to benefit from information...

Education & Training

Managing a Mediation Process

Managing a Mediation Process

Friday, August 1, 2008

Managing the Mediation Process offers an overview of the process of mediating interstate and intrastate conflicts. Each of its six chapters covers a different step in the process, identifying what needs to be done at that step and how best to accomplish it. 

Type: Book

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Depoliticizing Zimbabwe’s Economy: Solutions for Two Million Percent

Depoliticizing Zimbabwe’s Economy: Solutions for Two Million Percent

Friday, August 1, 2008

Zimbabwe is saddled with two million percent annual price increases, rampant corruption and pervasive unemployment. Experts believe that an effort to reform the country's political corruption and irresponsible monetary policies will be central to establishing social and economic stability in the long run.

Type: Peace Brief

Reconciliation in Iraq

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Daniel Serwer participated in a briefing session sponsored by Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Congressman Chris Shays (R-CT) on reconciliation progress in Iraq and USIP’s programs there. Serwer was joined by representatives from the Congressional Research Service and the Government Accountability Office.

Type: Congressional Testimony

Integrated Security Assistance: The 1207 Program

Integrated Security Assistance: The 1207 Program

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This Special Report report details USIP's assessment of the "1207 Program," an example of the U.S. military's growing involvement in integrated "whole-of-government" approaches to U.S. security assistance programs.

Type: Special Report