Land, Property, and the Challenge of Return for Iraq’s Displaced

Land, Property, and the Challenge of Return for Iraq’s Displaced

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Iraq today is faced with a multilayered displacement crisis that is massive in both size and complexity. It is estimated that 3.8 million Iraqis were displaced from their homes from 2003 to 2008, with the majority of them becoming displaced in 2006 and the first half of 2007

Type: Special Report

On the Issues: Iran

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Daniel Brumberg, acting director of USIP's Muslim World Initiative, discusses the recent meeting between senior U.S. officials and Iranian diplomats during an international conference at the Hague on March 31. This meeting represents the Obama administration's biggest step so far to reestablish dialogue with the Islamic Republic after 30 years of hostility.

Type: Analysis

Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Syria, Iraq and the Changing Strategic Context in the Middle East

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Overall, Syria has marginally benefited from the war in Iraq at both the regional and international levels. After watching the U.S. military unseat the Baathist regime next door in 2003 with unprecedented speed, it looked to many observers—including some in Damascus—as if Syria would be next in line.

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueEnvironmentEconomics

The Kurds in Syria: Fueling Separatist Movements in the Region?

The Kurds in Syria: Fueling Separatist Movements in the Region?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Kurds of Syria, in contrast to the Kurds of Iraq and Turkey, are little known in the West, but they have similarly strained relations with the state that governs them and face human rights abuses as a minority. The Syrian state’s repression of its Kurdish population, which thus far has not sought a separate state, may contribute to Kurdish claims for self-determination in Turkey, Iran, and Iraq.

Type: Special Report

The Role of the Ministerial Advisor in Security Sector Reform: Navigating Institutional Terrains

The Role of the Ministerial Advisor in Security Sector Reform: Navigating Institutional Terrains

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

International actors in Security Sector Reform (SSR) are increasingly taking on roles as “advisors” to Ministries of Interior, Defense, and Justice. Rather than directly implement changes necessary for SSR, these advisors must persuasively articulate suggestions to their local counterparts. Advisors’ success depends on their ability to convey recommendations in a manner that makes change acceptable to their advisees.

Type: Peace Brief

U.S. Human Rights Policy: Web Links

Friday, March 27, 2009

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on human rights generally and as it relates to U.S. foreign policy. For regional information, please see related links at Regional Resources: Americas and Regional Resources: Africa, specifically Rwanda. For information on genocide, please see Genocide Convention at Fifty: Web Links. For more USIP resources see the human rights issue page. General Resources Government Agencies, Non-Govern...

Type: Article

Briefing on Human Rights in Afghanistan

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rule of Law Specialist Scott Worden testified on Capitol Hill on March 26, 2009 on the issue of "Human Rights in Afghanistan." A former adviser to the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan on human rights and elections issues, Worden helped the U.S. Helsinki Commission examine the current state of human rights in Afghanistan.

Type: Congressional Testimony

Human Rights

On the Issues: Human Rights and Peacebuilding

Thursday, March 26, 2009

USIP has supported over 300 products, projects, and activities related to human rights and peacebuilding. From grants to fellowships, from training to education, from working groups to publications, the Institute strives to encourage more practice and scholarly work on the issue of human rights, and seeks to deepen understanding of the role human rights play in conflict and in peace.

Type: Analysis

Human Rights

Bosnia and Herzegovina Web Links

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English that provide substantive content on the peacemaking efforts outlined in the Dayton Peace Agreement and the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. For additional information on the region, please see related links at Regional Resources: Europe. For more USIP resources see Bosnia-Herzegovina. General Resources Government Agencies and International Organizations Human Rights Maps and Guides Media and New...

Type: Article

On the Issues: Women, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

On the Issues: Women, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

Friday, March 6, 2009

Over the past 15 years, USIP has supported over 90 projects related to women, conflict, and peacebuilding. From grants to fellowships, from training to education, from working groups to publications, the Institute strives to encourage more practice and scholarly work on women, and seeks to deepen understanding of the role of women in conflict and in peace.

Type: Analysis