Political Progress in Iraq During the Surge

Political Progress in Iraq During the Surge

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Rend Al-Rahim Francke concludes that the military surge has bettered the security situation in Baghdad. However, political progress has faltered and not matched these improvements.

Type: Special Report

The New Turkish Republic

The New Turkish Republic

Saturday, December 1, 2007

In fact, by acting independently and attempting to reconcile its constitutionally secular form of governance and vibrant traditional culture, it is now for the first time becoming positively viewed by others in the Muslim world as a state worth watching—and maybe even emulating.

Type: Book


Interim Governments

Interim Governments

Saturday, December 1, 2007

This edited volume by Karen Guttieri and Jessica Piombo explores various aspects of the newly emerging range of interim regimes, focusing on issues of legitimacy, conflict management, and the increasing participation of the international community in transitions from war to peace. Through a set of theoretical and case-study chapters, they and the volume’s contributing authors ask and answer key questions.

Type: Book

On the Issues: Burma

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Susan Hayward discusses how Burma's "saffron revolution" demonstrates the powerful capacity of the religious realm to assist in the creation of global peace.

Type: Analysis

Afghanistan's Economy: On the Right Road, But Still a Long Way to Go

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Although Afghanistan has now laid the foundation for a market-based economy, substantial challenges still linger. Many of the problems Afghanistan’s economy faces are typical for those rebuilding after war: high prices from an immature system that lacks adequate private sector competition; resistance to change from a state-controlled system; the dearth of human capital; corruption; insecurity; and inequalities created by the market system itself.

Type: Peace Brief


Some Assembly Required: Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Some Assembly Required: Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Thursday, November 1, 2007

While Sudan has recently reached a Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) between the northern and southern regions, tensions still smolder. As commonoly said, "The devil is in the details," in implementation of the accord. To identify lessons learned from the negotiation of the agreement from 2002 to 2005 and its implementation since then, USIP conducted a project, the conclusions of which are discussed in this special report.

Type: Special Report

Burma's Long Road to Democracy

Burma's Long Road to Democracy

Thursday, November 1, 2007

In this Special Report, the author establishes the historical context for the recent Saffron Revolution in Burma, explains the persistence of military rule, and speculates on the country’s prospects for political transition to democracy.

Type: Special Report

Beyond the National Interest

Beyond the National Interest

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Whatever happened to multilateral peacekeeping? This is the central question Jean-Marc Coicaud explores in this penetrating scholarly examination of the period of “robust” UN-mandated peacekeeping missions in humanitarian crises.

Type: Book