How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States

How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States

Friday, April 1, 2011

How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States analyzes the themes, techniques, and styles that have characterized Pakistani negotiations with American civilian and military officials since Pakistan’s independence. Drawing from their vast diplomatic experience, authors Teresita and Howard Schaffer examine how Pakistan’s ideological core, geopolitical position, culture, and military and governmental structures shape negotiations with the United States.

Type: Book

Concerns Grow over Cote d'Ivoire

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some 100,000 people have fled Cote d’Ivoire and nearly one million are displaced amid post-election violence and fears of an all-out civil war. USIP’s Dorina Bekoe examines what sparked this current crisis and possible ways to address the country’s deep-rooted problems.

Type: Analysis

Egypt's Economic Future

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

USIP’s Raymond Gilpin, co-author of “Defusing Egypt’s Demographic Time Bomb,” discusses how proper management of Egypt’s economy can help ensure a stable future.

Type: Analysis


Analyzing Post-Conflict Justice and Islamic Law

Analyzing Post-Conflict Justice and Islamic Law

Monday, March 28, 2011

Post-conflict justice mechanisms such as truth commissions, war crimes tribunals and reparations programs have emerged as a fundamental building block of durable peace settlements in Latin America, Africa and Asia. They are relatively rare, however, in Muslim countries recovering from conflict—despite the fact that social and criminal justice is a fundamental principle of Islamic law.

Type: Peace Brief


Preventing Arab-Kurd Conflict in Iraq after the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces

Preventing Arab-Kurd Conflict in Iraq after the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces

Monday, March 28, 2011

Since the fall of the former regime in 2003, there has been continuous concern that fighting might break out between the Arabs and the Kurds over Kirkuk and the boundary of the Kurdistan Regional Government. Unless new conflict prevention mechanisms are put in place, there is a real risk that tensions could boil over as people tire of waiting for a political resolution.

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & Prevention