The Role of Religion in Russia’s War on Ukraine

The Role of Religion in Russia’s War on Ukraine

Thursday, March 17, 2022

On March 6, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill stood to deliver the sermon that traditionally ushers in the beginning of the Orthodox Lent. However, the most notable theme of his sermon had little to do with the annual period of Christian fasting. Instead, the patriarch chose to address a subject at the forefront of everyone’s minds: the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionReligion

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Helps the Taliban and Makes Afghans Worse Off

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Helps the Taliban and Makes Afghans Worse Off

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an acute disaster for Ukraine and Europe. But it also has a profound geopolitical impact — one that will have ripple effects for the major humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan. An active war in Europe is bad news for Afghanistan, as this draws away resources, sympathy and attention from the millions of Afghans that are also struggling to get cash, food and protection from human rights abuse. And the Taliban stand to benefit, since they no longer appear to be the world’s most notorious aggressor and will gain political space to consolidate their control over the country.  

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal PolicyHuman Rights

Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia’s Balancing Act Over Russia’s War in Ukraine

Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia’s Balancing Act Over Russia’s War in Ukraine

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have tried in different ways to balance the need for good relations with Moscow with a desire to support Ukrainian territorial integrity and sovereignty. Each has reason to be cautious: Moscow has exploited ongoing conflicts in all three countries to dominate its self-defined sphere of vital interests. While these conflicts persist, Moscow will maintain significant leverage over Yerevan, Baku and Tbilisi. Working with them to resolve these conflicts and preserve their sovereignty should be a priority for the United States and Europe.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal Policy

This Global Resistance to Putin’s War Is Historic

This Global Resistance to Putin’s War Is Historic

Thursday, March 10, 2022

In just 15 days of Russia’s massive, new assault on Ukraine, democracies worldwide have mounted a historic act of repudiation — diplomatically, economically, militarily and morally. Nations are painfully cutting off trade with Russia. Thousands of public protests across 93 countries, including Russia, are deepening Vladimir Putin’s isolation. This collective support for Ukraine and rejection of Putin’s war is arguably the most unified global response to any act of state violence since the world’s opposition to European fascism during World War II. Sustaining it is how we can defeat Putin’s threat to world peace.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal Policy

Protecting the Participation of Women Peacebuilders

Protecting the Participation of Women Peacebuilders

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Worsening violence against women is often a precursor to — and early outcome of — the rise in coups and authoritarianism that have made recent headlines. Not only does protecting women’s participation in public life and decision-making go hand-in-hand with democracy, but the former is actually a precondition for the latter. As we mark International Women’s Day in 2022, we would do well to remember that global efforts to prevent violent conflict and sustain peace are significantly undermined when women are deterred from access to participation and full leadership without fear of reprisals and violence. 

Type: Analysis

GenderPeace Processes

A Closer Look at Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

A Closer Look at Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

Monday, March 7, 2022

On February 11, the White House announced its new strategy for a “free and open Indo-Pacific” region, which pledges support for regional connectivity, trade and investment, and deepening bilateral and multilateral partnerships. USIP’s Daniel Markey, Vikram J. Singh and Carla Freeman analyze the key priorities outlined in the document, and the strategic dynamics between the United States, India and China in the region.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

A New Test for Iraq’s Democracy and Stability

A New Test for Iraq’s Democracy and Stability

Monday, March 7, 2022

The sudden crisis around Russia threatens democratic norms and energy markets worldwide, only heightening the urgency of stabilizing Iraq, the world’s fifth-largest oil producer. Yet five months after Iraq’s elections, held in response to massive protests against ineffective governance, political factions remain dangerously deadlocked in efforts to form a new government. Shaping a more stable, peaceful Iraq—and responding to the 2019-2020 grassroots demands for democratic, accountable governance—will require a fuller inclusion of Iraq’s ethnic and religious minorities. Yet the prospects remain unclear. Iraq’s minority communities are watching carefully, as their future depends on it. 

Type: Analysis

Democracy & Governance