Media and Peacebuilding in Afghanistan

Media and Peacebuilding in Afghanistan

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, the Afghan media sector has experienced dramatic growth in all areas: television, radio, print, internet, mobile phones. As such, the sector holds tremendous potential for making significant contributions to peacebuilding in the country.

Type: Peace Brief

The Role of Development Aid in the Afghanistan Campaign

Monday, March 29, 2010

On March 11, 2010 USIP's Chief of Party in Afghanistan Shahmahmood Miakhel gave a speech at the Wilton Park Conference 1022 "Winning 'Hearts and Minds' in Afghanistan: Assessing the Effectiveness of Development Aid in COIN (Counter Insurgency) Operations." His speech was entitled "The Role of Development Aid in the Afghanistan Campaign."

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Iraq Elections

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

USIP’s Manal Omar discusses the latest on the Iraq elections, and what they suggest about Iraq’s future and relations with the United States going forward.

Type: Analysis


Confronting the Challenge of "Political Will"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Since the Holocaust we have often heard the words "never again." Yet, too often the world has failed to mount serious action to prevent genocidal violence, making "never again" an empty slogan.

Trends in Electoral Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Trends in Electoral Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Studies indicate that violence in Africa’s elections affects between 19 and 25 percent of elections. In many countries where electoral violence is a risk, it tends to recur and may consequently lead to an unfavorable view of democratization.

Type: Peace Brief

On the Issues: Nigeria

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Longstanding religious and political tensions in Nigeria erupted into bloodshed this month, marking the latest in a series of clashes between Muslims and Christians that have claimed the lives of hundreds of people this year. USIP’s David Smock answers some questions related to the recent developments in Nigeria and its stability.

Type: Analysis


Health Initiatives and Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan

Health Initiatives and Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan

Friday, March 5, 2010

An initiative by the Ministry of Public Health in Afghanistan to expand health services throughout the country, including rural communities, and supported by donors including USAID, has vastly expanded access to primary health care services, significantly reduced child mortality, and increased the capacity of the Afghan government to provide an essential service to its people.

Type: Peace Brief