Glossary of Terms for Conflict Management and Peacebuilding

Glossary of Terms for Conflict Management and Peacebuilding

To help practitioners, scholars, and students answer questions about terminology, USIP has developed the Peace Terms: A Glossary of Terms for Conflict Management and Peacebuilding. This extensive glossary provides short definitions of a wide range of complex and often confusing terms used in the field of conflict resolution.

Type: Book

USIP Prevention Newsletter - January 2011

USIP Prevention Newsletter - January 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of the Institute's conceptual and region specific work aimed at helping to prevent conflicts in Africa, the Middle East, South and Northeast Asia, and the special project on genocide prevention. It also provides Over the Horizon thinking on trends in different regions, as well as information about events, working groups and publications.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

The Role of Women in Global Security

The Role of Women in Global Security

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This report examines women’s roles in peacebuilding, postconflict reconstruction, and economic development. It draws on discussions at the conference on "The Role of Women in Global Security," held in Copenhagen on October 29–30, 2010, and co-hosted by the U.S. Embassy in Denmark and the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in partnership with the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP). Ambassador Laurie S. Fulton, U.S. Ambassador to Denmark and former member of USIP’s board, brought together par...

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGender

On the Issues: Afghanistan and Pakistan 2010 Review

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ambassador William Taylor shares his review of the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2010 and provides a glimpse into what we can expect from these two countries in 2011.

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Iran

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The United States enters another year without diplomatic relations with Iran. Around the world nations worry about the potential of Iran to develop its nuclear program. Can a strategy of engagement with Iran yield results? Can the sanctions effort prevail? Or is the military option still on the table. Robin Wright, USIP-Wilson Center Scholar looks at the issues.

Type: Analysis

Global PolicyConflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue