
Afghanistan Policy at the Crossroads

Thursday, October 15, 2009

On October 15, USIP's Alex Thier testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the critical importance of bolstering our stabilization efforts in Afghanistan and the path forward to success.

Type: Congressional Testimony

Strengthening the Rule of Law in Iraq

The Rule of Law Center works closely with Iraqi judges, parliamentarians, government officials and civil society to strengthen the rule of law in Iraq by addressing the property rights of IDPs, strengthening the Iraqi judiciary, clarifying the relationship between the central and provincial governments, and protecting minority rights.

The Afghan Elections: Who Lost What?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

On October 1, 2009, Alex Thier, director of USIP’s Afghanistan and Pakistan program, testified before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia on the Afghan elections, the importance of strengthening Afghan institutions, and the threats to success for the U.S. mission in that country.

Type: Congressional Testimony

Post-Conflict Health Reconstruction:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A new USIP report examines how improving health systems in post-conflict countries can help promote peace and prevent renewed violence in those nations. In "Post-Conflict Health Reconstruction: New Foundations for a U.S. Policy," USIP fellow Leonard Rubenstein looks at health indicators in various hotspots around the world, and why addressing dire health situations can help advance peace and resolve conflicts, as well as boost the U.S's image abroad.

Preventing Violent Conflict

Preventing Violent Conflict

Friday, September 18, 2009

How well does the international community work to prevent the outbreak of new wars? In a special report, "Preventing Violent Conflict: Assessing Progress, Meeting Challenges," USIP's Lawrence Woocher examines the current status of conflict prevention as an international norm and argues for enhanced global attention on conflict prevention strategy relative to more reactive responses, such as post-conflict rebuilding and resolving existing conflicts.

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Crisis in the Niger Delta

Crisis in the Niger Delta

Thursday, September 17, 2009

USIP's David Smock explores the factors underlying and perpetuating the militancy in the oil-rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria. In this report, based on an 11-day trip to Nigeria in late August 2009, Smock analyzes the prospects for the amnesty process, and why stronger political processes and economic development could help address the roots of the conflict there.

Type: Peace Brief

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueEnvironmentEconomics

Reinforcing Treasury’s Strategic Roles in International Affairs and National Security

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Amid the global financial crisis, USIP explores the Treasury Department's current functions and resources as a foundation to more effectively strengthen financial institutions and combat illicit finance in non G-20 countries. USIP's Jeremy Pam describes how the Treasury Department might be better organized to play a greater strategic role in international affairs that addresses financial crises in developing countries and, in doing so, serves U.S. national security interests.


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

USIP assesses several policy prescriptions and the areas of disagreement and agreement of how the international community and the region itself should address the problems in the struggling country.

Type: Peace Brief