
Civilians Can Win the Peace

Thursday, February 1, 2007

President Bush's planned troop surge in Iraq may fail if it does not receive sufficient civilian support. Patricia Thomson and Daniel Serwer outline four points that should be done to help ensure the civilian capacity is strong enough to support the military's role in Iraq.

Type: Peace Brief

Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq

Thursday, February 1, 2007

In January 2007, President Bush announced an expansion of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) program to help accelerate Iraq's transition to self-reliance. How can PRTs—intended to close the gap between civilian and military efforts—be evaluted effectively?

Type: Peace Brief

British Counter-Terrorism After the July 2005 Attacks

Thursday, February 1, 2007

In the wake of the July 7 and July 21, 2005, attacks on the London Underground, British authorities have developed a new model for counter-terrorism, which aside from expanding the list of criminal offenses tied to terrorism and enhancing police powers, also emphasizes community-policing principles and partnerships with Muslim groups.

Type: Peace Brief

Undergraduate Curriculum Development Guide

Undergraduate Curriculum Development Guide

Saturday, January 27, 2007

In response to increasing requests by colleges and universities on how to develop programs focusing on global peace, conflict, and security, the Education and Training Center has developed this guide to undergraduate programmatic development. It includes not only models, but also advice on strategies that can be used in the planning stage.

Type: Teaching and Learning Guide

Iraq: Beyond the Surge

Friday, January 26, 2007

Paul Hughes addressed the Capitol Hill-based study group "Security for a New Century" on the current security situation in Iraq and options to foster stability in the country and across the region.