In Pursuit of Peace

In Pursuit of Peace

Wednesday, May 1, 1996

This book tells the story of the Israeli peace movement and the role it played in that pursuit of peace. It is an eloquent, fascinating account of a remarkably diverse and determined cast of activists: from war-weary soldiers to hard-headed politicians, careful scholars to impassioned artists.

Type: Book

NGOs and the Peace Process in Angola

NGOs and the Peace Process in Angola

Monday, April 29, 1996

A United States Institute of Peace team spent time in Angola in February to explore how Angolan and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can promote reconciliation in Angola as part of the postwar peace process. The recommendations the team prepared are directed primarily at Angola but could apply to other countries engaged in peacebuilding.

Type: Special Report

Nurturing Peace

Nurturing Peace

Wednesday, April 24, 1996

Focusing on intrastate conflicts in which third parties have played prominent roles, Hampson argues that durable settlements depend on sustained third-party engagement not only during the negotiation phase but throughout the implementation process.

Type: Book

Preventing Violent Conflicts

Preventing Violent Conflicts

Monday, April 1, 1996

This volume defines early warning and preventive diplomacy; assesses, after reviewing several recent preventive efforts, who does it, what methods work, and why; and suggests how multilateral and national entities (especially the U.S. government) can overcome operational challenges to effective preventive action.

Type: Book

Serbian Nationalism and the Origins of the Yugoslav Crisis

Serbian Nationalism and the Origins of the Yugoslav Crisis

Monday, April 1, 1996

The dissolution of multinational communist federations and the ensuing armed conflicts that have emerged with their transformation into independent nation-states have returned the "national question" (i.e., the relationship of a national or ethnic group to a state that includes multiple ethnic groups within its territory) to the forefront of debates over international politics, law, and theory.

Type: Peaceworks

Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict in Africa

Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict in Africa

Thursday, February 1, 1996

The good work of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in recent conflicts in such countries as Somalia, Haiti, and Bosnia is well known—providing food, shelter, medicine, and a host of other materials and services under extremely difficult conditions. But does humanitarian assistance in some cases actually exacerbate conflict?

Type: Peaceworks

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

NGOs and Conflict Management

NGOs and Conflict Management

Thursday, February 1, 1996

The staff of the Institute has gone through the voluminous proceedings of the September 1995, "Managing Chaos" conference to distill the views expressed by nongovernmental organization (NGO) representatives and others on the emerging role of NGOs in managing international conflict.

Type: Peaceworks