U.S. Institute of Peace Teaches International Security Personnel to Resolve Conflicts without Resorting to the Use of Force

U.S. Institute of Peace Teaches International Security Personnel to Resolve Conflicts without Resorting to the Use of Force

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Over the past decade, the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) has trained members of police and military forces around the world to prepare them to participate in international peacekeeping operations or to contribute to post-conflict stabilization and rule of law interventions in their own or in other war-torn countries. Most of the training takes place outside the United States, from remote, rugged bases to centrally located schools and academies, from Senegal to Nepal, from Italy to th...

Type: Peace Brief

Education & Training

Smart Tools for Smart Power: Simulations and Serious Games for Peacebuilding

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Hearing on the Afghan Economy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

USIP Visiting Research Scholar Jeremiah S. Pam testified on July 14, 2009, before the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs on efforts by the U.S., the Afghan government and others to spur the Afghan economy in an effort to stabilize the country.

Type: Congressional Testimony


A Renewable Energy Peace Park in the Golan as a Framework to an Israeli-Syrian Agreement

A Renewable Energy Peace Park in the Golan as a Framework to an Israeli-Syrian Agreement

Friday, July 10, 2009

The widely discussed Syrian-Israeli peace park concept is rooted in the assumption that Syrian and Israeli "good will" for cooperation is sufficient to mobilize a long- lasting, firm peace treaty between the two countries. The current discussions on a layout for a peace park provide a description of the mechanisms that will control and maintain the park, but fail to provide the insights for how to keep these mechanisms functioning in one, five or ten years into the future.

Type: Peace Brief

Counting the Costs of Somali Piracy

Monday, July 6, 2009

Authored by USIP's Raymond Gilpin, this new working paper offers practical strategies to mitigate the rising costs of Somali piracy and lay the foundation for lasting peace. The upsurge in attacks by Somali pirates between 2005 and mid-2009 reflects decades of political unrest, maritime lawlessness and severe economic decline which has dire implications for economic development and political stability in Somalia.


Truth Commission: Kenya

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Truth Commission: Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Duration: 2 years anticipated Charter: Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission Bill Commissioners: 7 Report: The commission is still in session.

Type: Truth Commission



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bringing together the experiences and insights of more than thirty experienced and emerging authors, human rights activists, and peace practitioners from Colombia and abroad, Colombia: Building Peace in a Time of War documents and analyzes the vast array of peace initiatives that have emerged in Colombia in recent years.

Type: Book

New State Department Documents Refute Karadzic Claims

Friday, June 26, 2009

The State Department on June 25 announced it would make public documents pertaining to new accusations by Radovan Karadzic, the indicted Serbian war leader, that the U.S. government and specifically U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke had promised him immunity from prosecution for war crimes during the Bosnian war (1992-1995) if he would withdraw from public life. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1995 indicted Karadzic for war crimes, including charges ...