
Managing Political Transitions in Africa

Political transitions have often served as triggers of violence. This initiative aims to increase the capacity of key stakeholders to identify these triggers during political transitions, to build positive relationships among civil society, policymakers, and regional and international organizations, and to contribute to the academic and policy literature on peaceful political transitions in Africa.  

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Research Centers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

 A list of links to web sites for Research Centers in International Relations

Type: Article

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This book explores the formidable potential of interfaith dialogue. The contributors draw on their extensive experience in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Northern Ireland, and the Balkans. The conclusion includes a checklist for effective interfaith dialogue.

Type: Book

Conversations Among the Abrahamic Faiths Related to Conflict and Nonviolence

Conversations Among the Abrahamic Faiths Related to Conflict and Nonviolence

Thursday, April 16, 2009

USIP periodically brings together Christian, Jewish, and Muslim theologians and activists to explore theological perspectives on global conflict (including discussion of the just war doctrine), and to debate the role of nonviolence in peacemaking and conflict resolution. Two important books have resulted.

Type: Book

DVD: The Imam and the Pastor

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This documentary, produced by FLT Films, with USIP support, follows the story of Pastor James Wuye and Imam Mohammad Ashafa of Nigeria. Pastor James and Imam Ashafa are former members of competing militias in Nigeria who experienced personal transformations through their friendship and now work cooperatively to head the Inter-Faith Mediation Centre, supported by USIP. This documentary captures Pastor James and Imam Ashafa at work building relationships between Muslim and Christian clergy and ...

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueReligion

On the Issues: North Korea

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The White House said North Korea had taken "a serious step in the wrong direction" when the regime expelled international inspectors from the country and announced it would restart its nuclear program. USIP’s John S. Park provides regional context to the latest developments. 

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Negotiating Across Cultures: International Communication in an Interdependent World

Negotiating Across Cultures: International Communication in an Interdependent World

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Over the last decade, USIP has produced a definitive series of books on culture and negotiating styles. Described as "profoundly useful," this series is essential reading for diplomats, trade negotiators, policymakers, business leaders, and students. Books have been produced on French, Russian, German, North Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Israeli, Palestinian, and Indian negotiating styles. American, Pakistan, and Iranian negotiating styles are currently under development. USIP also published ...

Type: Book

The Diplomat's Dictionary

The Diplomat's Dictionary

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Diplomacy means very different things to different people. In this entertaining and informative collection, the author brings together keen observations, witty insights, shrewd advice, and classic words of wisdom on the art and practice of diplomacy. In so doing, this wide-ranging compendium draws on many cultures, ancient and modern.

Type: Book

Culture and Conflict Resolution

Culture and Conflict Resolution

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This highly acclaimed book explores divergent theories of social conflict and differing strategies that shape the conduct of diplomacy, and examines the role that culture has (and has not) played in conflict resolution. In a lively style, the author challenges both scholars and practitioners not only to develop a clearer understanding of what culture is, but also to take that understanding and incorporate it into more effective conflict resolution processes.

Type: Book