
Peace Agreements: Colombia

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Plan Colombia (1999) Posted by USIP Library on: May 15 2000 Source: Colombia. President. Plan Colombia: Plan for Peace, Prosperity, and the Strengthening of the State [Bogota], Colombia: Presidency of the Republic, 1999.

Type: Report

Transatlantic Relations Web Links

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on relations between the United States and Europe. For related Web links, see Regional Resources: Europe, which includes links for Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Southeastern Europe and Supporting Democracy in Yugoslavia, and NATO at FIFTY: Web Links on the 50th anniversary of NATO. Government Agencies and Re...

Type: Article

Smart Partnerships for African Development: A New Strategic Framework

Smart Partnerships for African Development: A New Strategic Framework

Monday, May 13, 2002

Summary Political and economic liberalization in Africa have yielded mixed results, complicated by persistent armed conflicts. The New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) is at the forefront of efforts to promote enhanced investments in poorer countries that undertake political, legal, and economic reforms. Although good governance has been high on the agenda of African countries since the 1980s, state erosion, corruption, and institutional weakness characterize the public s...

Type: Special Report


2001–2002 National Winning Essay

Sunday, May 5, 2002

David Epstein Pikesville High School Baltimore, Maryland Coordinator: Mr. Martr Hotz   With the end of an era when nations have habitually realized their territorial ambitions on the battlefield and with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, large-scale rivalries between countries have mostly given way to internecine conflicts. These clashes have been precipitated by a host of factors: military coups by rapacious generals, conflicting political ideologies, and most significant of all, tra...

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding

Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding

Wednesday, May 1, 2002

Drawing on their extensive experience in organizing interaction and cooperation across religious boundaries in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Northern Ireland, and the Balkans, the contributors explore the formidable potential of interfaith dialogue.

Type: Book


Partner to History

Partner to History

Wednesday, May 1, 2002

A remarkable book about a remarkable time, Partner to History reveals the role played by U.S. diplomacy in South Africa's surprisingly successful transition from apartheid to democracy.

Type: Book

Peace Agreements: Serbia and Montenegro

Monday, April 29, 2002

Proceeding Points for the Restructuring of Relations Between Serbia and Montenegro (03-14-2002) Posted by USIP Library on: April 29, 2002 Source Name: Text faxed from the Republic of Montenegro Trade Mission to the United States, Washington, D.C. Date faxed: April 25, 2002

Type: Report

Justification of War

Justification of War

Saturday, April 27, 2002

When is war justified? The teaching guide on the justification of war, helps teachers address this age-old question with their students. Through use of the guide, students explore the causes of war, apply the principles of a just war to modern conflicts, analyze how leaders justify wars, and develop an editorial position on the justness of a conflict.

Type: Teaching and Learning Guide

Debating the U.S. Military's Role in International Peacekeeping

Saturday, April 27, 2002

Developed for the 2001-2002 Essay Contest, this guide contains mapping activities on the locations of military forces and peace operations, a simulation exercise on a fictional crisis in "San Dimas", a Kosovo case study, and bibliographic materials that look at issues related to peace operations, national security, and military operations.

Type: Teaching and Learning Guide