Manufacturing Human Bombs

Manufacturing Human Bombs

Sunday, January 1, 2006

  Suicide bombings have become a terrifyingly familiar feature of contemporary warfare and insurgency. But explanations of such attacks are typically either too narrow or too superficial to enable us to understand—and thus combat—this complex and deadly phenomenon.  In this slim but remarkably balanced, informative, and insightful volume, Mohammed Hafez delves beneath the surface as he explores the case of Palestinian suicide bombers during the al-Aqsa intifada that began in 2000.m  

Type: Book

Syria and Political Change

Monday, December 12, 2005

This USIPeace Briefing recaps discussions at a recent seminar on the speculation of political change in Syria.

Type: Peace Brief

Iraq's Constitutional Process II: An Opportunity Lost (Arabic Edition)

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Summary Even with the approval of a permanent constitution in the October national referendum, Iraq’s future is uncertain. Widespread Sunni Arab opposition to the new constitution has confirmed the existence of a fault line that profoundly divides Iraqi society. The Transitional Authoritative Law (TAL) envisaged a six-and-a-half-month, transparent, participatory, and orderly constitutional process. The TAL also provided the option, in Article 61(F), of a further six-month extension....

Iraq's Constitutional Process II: An Opportunity Lost

Iraq's Constitutional Process II: An Opportunity Lost

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Summary Even with the approval of a permanent constitution in the October national referendum, Iraq’s future is uncertain. Widespread Sunni Arab opposition to the new constitution has confirmed the existence of a fault line that profoundly divides Iraqi society. The Transitional Authoritative Law (TAL) envisaged a six-and-a-half-month, transparent, participatory, and orderly constitutional process. The TAL also provided the option, in Article 61(F), of a further six-month extension....

Type: Special Report

Oral Histories: Afghanistan Provincial Reconstruction Teams (2004-2005)

Friday, November 18, 2005

The experiences of Americans who served in Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Afghanistan provide important lessons for current and future peace and stability operations. Provincial Reconstruction Teams are small, joint, civil-military organizations whose mission is to promote good governance, improved security and reconstruction. In November 2005, there were 22 PRTs in Afghanistan: nine were directed by the U.S. and countries belonging to the NATO-led International Security Assistance...

Type: Oral History