
Truth Commission: Solomon Islands

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Truth Commission: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Duration:  April 29, 2009 (date of inauguration); January 15, 2010 (start of operations) – 2011 (expected). Extensions by the Prime Minister are possible, but limited to one year. Charter: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act 2008 (No. 5 of 2008) Commissioners: 5 Report: Not yet issued

Type: Truth Commission

2008-2009 Guidebook

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The 2008-2009 National Peace Essay Contest Guidebook contains: Introduction What Do Essay Contest Winners Receive? When Is the Deadline? What Does the Institute Provide to Help Students and Teachers Participate? Who Is Eligible? Information about the Contest Coordinator How Will Your Essay Be Judged? What Are the Essay Requirements? Directions for Entering the Contest Essay Submission Checklist Sample Winning Essay from 2007 Detachable Contest Poster  Download...

On the Issues: Sri Lanka

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Recognizing the need to promote peace and minority rights in this conflict-ridden country, on March 23rd and 25th the Institute hosted a group of 17 young Sri Lankan professionals as part of a State Department professional exchange program in conjunction with NGO Relief International. Relief International’s Sri Lanka office selected the participants.

Type: Analysis

Terror on the Internet: Questions and Answers

What are the key elements of terrorism? Acts of terrorism are premeditated, politically motivated, and directed at civilians and are perpetrated by subnational groups rather than by the army of a state. Terrorism is a form of psychological warfare that seeks to spread fear, mistrust, and helplessness among the ordinary citizens of a society. Modern terrorists rely heavily on the mass media and use a constant stream of broadcasting (radio, television, video, and the Internet) to achieve the f...

Type: Analysis

Praise for Oil, Profits, and Peace

  "Jill Shankleman asks whether oil and gas companies can, and should, do more to promote peace and mitigate conflict in the fragile countries where they operate. Her answer is an emphatic "Yes!" Intensely conscious of both the opportunities and the constraints that corporations face in difficult environments, she focuses on three case studies: Azerbaijan, Angola, and Sudan. The result is a balanced, comprehensive, and practical analysis that is thoroughly readable. Shankleman offers concret...

Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States

Monday, April 27, 2009

The bipartisan commission, facilitated by USIP from 2008-2009, was tasked by Congress to "examine and make recommendations with respect to the long-term strategic posture of the United States."  The Commission issued its final report to Congress on May 6, 2009.

Conflict Prevention Strategies in the 21st Century

The threats and opportunities of the 21st century demand that increased attention be paid to practical questions about how to design and implement effective prevention strategies—beyond continual calls to "act early," instill a "culture of prevention," and, above all, mobilize "political will." To this end, USIP is currently developing intellectual capital on evidence-based prevention, early warning, and the prevention of mass atrocities.

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue