
Peace Agreements: Israel-Palestine

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Agreement on Movement and Access (11-15-2005) Posted by USIP Library on: February 15, 2007 Source Name: U.S. Department of State Source URL: Date downloaded: August 10, 2006 Agreed Principals for Rafah Crossing (11-15-2005) Posted by USIP Library on: February 15, 2006 Source Name: U.S. Department of State Source URL: Date downloaded: August 30, 2006 The Sharm el-Sheikh Memor...

Type: Report

On the Issues: Kosovo/Serbia

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

In an interview conducted shortly before Kosovo gained independence from Serbia, Daniel Serwer discussed the possible impacts of this development and Serbia's recent elections.

Type: Analysis

Engaging the Darfur Diaspora for Peace

Engaging the Darfur Diaspora for Peace

Friday, February 1, 2008

A group of leaders of the Darfurian diaspora in North America recently convened at USIP to explore solutions for their troubled homeland. Their recommendations will be taken into account in future peace consultations.

Type: Peace Brief

The Justice Dilemma in Uganda

The Justice Dilemma in Uganda

Friday, February 1, 2008

Uganda has just agreed to a peace agreement between the government and the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army after more than two decades of brutal conflict. Yet complex issues of transitional justice remain and must be resolved to facilitate national reconciliation.

Type: Peace Brief

Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams

Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams

Friday, February 1, 2008

In January 2007, President Bush announced the doubling of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) in Iraq and the creation of PRTs embedded with combat teams. One year later, what have these unique organizations achieved?

Type: Peace Brief

Pakistani Public Opinion on Democracy, Islamist Militancy, and Relations with the U.S.

Friday, February 1, 2008

In this volatile election season in Pakistan, attention is once again turning toward Pakistani national identity, security, and foreign policy. To better assess the situation, USIP and conducted a joint public opinion survey of urban Pakistanis on a wide array of compelling policy questions.