Engaging the Darfur Diaspora for Peace

Engaging the Darfur Diaspora for Peace

Friday, February 1, 2008

A group of leaders of the Darfurian diaspora in North America recently convened at USIP to explore solutions for their troubled homeland. Their recommendations will be taken into account in future peace consultations.

Type: Peace Brief

The Justice Dilemma in Uganda

The Justice Dilemma in Uganda

Friday, February 1, 2008

Uganda has just agreed to a peace agreement between the government and the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army after more than two decades of brutal conflict. Yet complex issues of transitional justice remain and must be resolved to facilitate national reconciliation.

Type: Peace Brief

Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams

Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams

Friday, February 1, 2008

In January 2007, President Bush announced the doubling of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) in Iraq and the creation of PRTs embedded with combat teams. One year later, what have these unique organizations achieved?

Type: Peace Brief

On the Issues: Colombia

Friday, January 25, 2008

Image on right: In Bogota's main square, relatives and friends of kidnapped people by the FARC march to demand the release of all the hostages. (AP Photo) In January 2008, two Colombian hostages who had been held by the FARC guerilla group were freed in an agreement brokered by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. However, more than 700 hostages remain, including former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three U.S. citizens.   Ginny Bouvier is a senior program officer in USIP’s Gran...

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Afghanistan/Pakistan

Friday, January 4, 2008

J Alexander Thier puts into context the new strains on Afghanistan and Pakistan's relationship including the recent assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and Afghanistan's resurgent Taliban and out of control opium trade.

Type: Analysis

Keeping an Eye on an Unruly Neighbor: Chinese Views of Economic Reform and Stability in North Korea

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What is the nature of internal Chinese debate regarding North Korea? In the event of instability in the Korean peninsula, how would Beijing respond? Drawing on discussions with North Korea specialists during a Center for Strategic and International Studies-USIP delegation visit to the People's Republic of China, this report explores these and related issues.

Conflict Analysis & PreventionEnvironmentEconomics

Negotiating with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Negotiating with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This Special Report, framed as a brief "how to" guide for American negotiators dealing with counterparts from the Islamic Republic of Iran, contains insights into Iranian negotiating patterns and appropriate responses. The report is the result of interviews with academics and practitioners, as well as historical research.

Type: Special Report

Conflict-Sensitive Approach to Infrastructure Development

Conflict-Sensitive Approach to Infrastructure Development

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What is the nexus between conflict analysis and building infrastructure? What roles can new and upgraded buildings, highways, and the like play in winning the "battle for hearts and minds?" How can the U.S. government streamline processes aimed to facilitate infrastructure development in conflict zones?

Type: Special Report
