How Not to Make Peace: "Conflict Syndrome" and the Demise of the Oslo Accords

How Not to Make Peace: "Conflict Syndrome" and the Demise of the Oslo Accords

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

The failure of the Oslo Accords has been attributed to a variety of factors, including deficiencies in the accords themselves, failures of implementation, and the play of domestic politics. These are all critical factors that describe what happened, but they do not explain why each side behaved as it did--that is, why each side made choices that would only increase the likelihood of the accords' failure.

Type: Peaceworks

Who Are Iraq's New Leaders? What Do They Want?

Who Are Iraq's New Leaders? What Do They Want?

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

USIP's ongoing examination of Iraq's emerging leadership finds a revolutionary change in the forces shaping the new leaders and their political orientation since the end of the Ba'th regime. The report offers several proposals to help Iraqis step back from the current political crisis.

Type: Special Report

Measuring Progress in Stabilization and Reconstruction

Measuring Progress in Stabilization and Reconstruction

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

This report is based on series of consultations with the Working Group on Measuring Progress, a part of USIP's "Filling the Gaps" series which aims to systematically address the causes of failure in specific areas in reconstruction and stabilization operations and to generate policy options for those in the U.S. government and elsewhere who lead and staff these missions.

Type: Special Report

Who Are Iraq's New Leaders? What Do They Want? (Arabic Edition)

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Summary Understanding the background and visions of Iraq's new leaders is critical to analyzing where the country may go in the future. Changes in leadership since Saddam have been revolutionary. Among Iraq's new leaders there are virtually no holdovers from the Ba'th era. A "de-Ba'thification" program to remove the old guard reinforces the divide between those who held office before and those who hold it now.

Syria and Political Change II

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

One year after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and facing mounting international pressure, the Syrian regime is consolidating its hold on power and adopting a more defiant stance, both in the region and toward the West.

Type: Peace Brief

Afghan Insurgency Still A Potent Force

Sunday, February 26, 2006

With the rise of the insurgency and new insurgent tactics in Afghanistan, the USIP Afghanistan Working Group met to discuss the particularly alarming rise in bloodshed as U.S. forces begin the transfer of control of insurgent-heavy regions of the country to NATO forces this summer.

Type: Peace Brief

Afghans, International Community Chart A Joint Path Forward

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Afghan government and international community have charted out a joint strategy to tackle the country’s most pressing challenge: building state institutions. Approved earlier this month at a conference in London, the Afghanistan Compact maps out the country’s way ahead and reaffirms the shared commitment of the international community.

Type: Peace Brief

Truth Commission: Liberia

Monday, February 20, 2006

Truth Commission: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia Duration: 2006 - 2009 Charter: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act Commissioners: 9 Report: Vol. I (“preliminary report”) issued in December 2008, Vol. II (final but “unedited” report) issued in June 2009. In December 2009, an edited version of Vol. II was re-released together with Vol.III (appendices and specialized reports).

Type: Truth Commission