Promoting Middle East Democracy: European Initiatives

Promoting Middle East Democracy: European Initiatives

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Summary With the end of the Cold War, major geopolitical shifts prompted southern Europe to reorient its strategic landscape toward the southern Mediterranean. From a European vantage point, the Mediterranean's strategic importance centers on migration, energy dependence, security/counterterrorism, and trade. Established in November 1995, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP), also known as the Barcelona Process, was intended to be Europe's answer to growing concerns about instabil...

Type: Special Report

Promoting Middle East Democracy: European Initiatives (Arabic Edition)

Friday, October 1, 2004

Summary With the end of the Cold War, major geopolitical shifts prompted southern Europe to reorient its strategic landscape toward the southern Mediterranean. From a European vantage point, the Mediterranean's strategic importance centers on migration, energy dependence, security/counterterrorism, and trade.

Ijtihad: Reinterpreting Islamic Principles for the Twenty-first Century

Ijtihad: Reinterpreting Islamic Principles for the Twenty-first Century

Friday, August 13, 2004

Summary Many Muslims believe that they must choose between Islam and modernity or between Islam and democracy, but these are false choices. To reinterpret Islam for the twenty-first century, the practice of ijtihad (interpretation and reasoning based on the sacred texts) must be revived. Religious scholars effectively terminated the practice of ijtihad five hundred years ago. But the principles of interpretation are well established and the need for contemporary interpretation is co...

Type: Special Report


Ijtihad: Reinterpreting Islamic Principles for the Twenty-first Century (Arabic Edition)

Sunday, August 1, 2004

Summary Many Muslims believe that they must choose between Islam and modernity or between Islam and democracy, but these are false choices. To reinterpret Islam for the twenty-first century, the practice of ijtihad (interpretation and reasoning based on the sacred texts) must be revived. Religious scholars effectively terminated the practice of ijtihad five hundred years ago. But the principles of interpretation are well established and the need for contemporary interpretation is co...


Taming Intractable Conflicts

Taming Intractable Conflicts

Sunday, August 1, 2004

Written from the mediator's point of view, Taming Intractable Conflicts lays out the steps involved in tackling the most stubborn of conflicts. It first puts mediation in a larger context, exploring why mediators choose or decline to become involved, what happens when they get involved for the wrong reasons, and the impact of the mediator's institutional and political environment.

Type: Book

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Downward Spiral: HIV/AIDS, State Capacity, and Political Conflict in Zimbabwe

Downward Spiral: HIV/AIDS, State Capacity, and Political Conflict in Zimbabwe

Saturday, July 24, 2004

In the post-Cold War era, diverse new threats to long-term global political and economic stability have emerged. Such threats include terrorist activities, the proliferation of nuclear technologies and delivery systems, and biological threats that include both bioweapons and naturally occurring epidemic diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

Type: Peaceworks